Excerpts from the ChicagoTribune.com:

A new three-year contract for Oak Brook firefighters provides for 2.5 percent annual salary increases and 15 to 20 percent employee contributions toward health insurance premiums, depending on the type of coverage chosen. Those components are the same as was the case in the previous contract, which ran from 2013 through 2015.

The final year of the previous contract called for firefighters to have a salary range of $62,154 to $83, 907, and for lieutenants to have salaries ranging from 73,599 to $99,358.

While that contract was effective as of Jan. 1. 2013, it wasn’t executed until June 23, 2014, about 1½ years after the effective date.

The contract covers 28 Oak Brook firefighters and firefighter/paramedics, but not the fire chief or three battalion chiefs nor contracted personnel.

thanks Dan

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