This from Eric Haak:
Six Gary fire stations have been adorned with new indicator placards to coincide with their switch to a consolidated Lake County dispatch system. 86 for Headquarters, 87 on Squad 2, 89 on Engine 4, 96 on Engine 11, 97 on Engine 12 and 98 on Engine 13. The other in-service stations did not have these placards on them as of 11/07 and I do not know if they will be getting them. I will share pictures of the other stations in a different post. I am not someone who is in the know, just a casual observer. I am sure some of the other experts out there can answer questions as to who is where and why. I will comment that the Engine 9 you see in the headquarters bay was actually running as Engine 1 on Saturday (11/07) in case anyone was wondering. A nice day to take pictures so I thought I would share. Pretty quiet day overall. A lot of medic calls and no structure fires.

Gary FD Station 86. Eric Haak photo

Gary FD Station 87. Eric Haak photo

Gary FD Station 89. Eric Haak photo

Gary FD Station 96. Eric Haak photo

Gary FD Station 97. Eric Haak photo

Gary FD Station 98. Eric Haak photo