Posts Tagged Frankfort FD Snorkel

As seen around … MABAS Division 19

This from Karl Klotz:

Here are a few MABAS Division 19 rigs I was able to shoot this past week.

Frankfort FPD, Squad Co. 71
Lockport FPD, Engine Co 1 & 5
Orland FPD, Engine Co. 5
Frankfort FPD Squad 71

Frankfort FPD Squad 71. Karl Klotz photo

Lockport FPD Engine 1

Lockport FPD Engine 1. Karl Klotz photo

Lockport FPD Engine 5

Lockport FPD Engine 5. Karl Klotz photo

Orland FPD Engine 5

Orland FPD Engine 5. Karl Klotz photo

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Annual Chicago Fire Engine Rally & Swap Meet (more)

This from Steve Redick:

Here’s some highlights. I was very interested to see the Palatine Snorkel, new to the show this year. Great weather and a fun time. Unfortunately the CFD Engine 10 Fox had a mechanical problem and had to be flatbedded home.

All the images and video can be seen here

Steve Redick

Chicago FD Ahrens Fox fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Peotone FD pumper tanker

Steve Redick photo

Palatine FD Snorkel

Steve Redick photo

Frankfort FD Snorkel

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Special Operations Compressor Unit 5-2-3

Steve Redick photo

vintage fire trucks at fire muster

Steve Redick photo

vintage American LaFrance Century pumper

Steve Redick photo


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