Found at Quad County Fire Equipment:
Former Fox River Countryside engine being parted out
thanks Martin
Nov 12
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | Comments off
Found at Quad County Fire Equipment:
Former Fox River Countryside engine being parted out
thanks Martin
Tags:, Former Fox River & Countryside FPD fire engine being sold for parts, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District
Dec 5
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Truck photos | 1 Comment
This from Larry Shapiro:
Here are a few shots from inside the Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District main station on Carl Lee Road
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #larryshapiro, ambulance in fire station, fire department John Boat, fire engine in quarters, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Larry Shapiro,,,
Oct 14
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 3 Comments
MINUTES from the Special Board Meeting on Monday, August 23, 2021 @ 6:00 PM
Tags: Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District Fire Chief John Nixon, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District Interim Fire Chief Bert Lancaster, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District Special Board Meeting Minutes 8-23-2021, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District terminates fire chief
Jan 16
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 5 Comments
Excerpts from the
A binding referendum question on the April 2 ballot will seek a 63 percent increase in the taxes paid to the Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District. If approved the measure would put an additional $1.1 million in the district’s coffers each year to raise staffing levels and fund equipment replacements and repairs.
Voters have shot down six previous attempts by the district to raise the property tax rate in the last several years. The margin by which those measures failed has significantly narrowed since the district’s first request making officials hopeful for a more positive outcome this time around. The fire board found the March 2018 election especially promising given the fact that a proposed 60 percent increase failed by only 32 votes.
Public support and awareness grew during the November election season. With more than 9,000 people voting — at least three times larger than the district’s usual turnout — the referendum question lost by 342 votes.
If the tax hike passes, the district’s tax rate will increase from about 27 to 43 cents per $100 of taxable property value. That means the owner of a $100,000 home would pay about $56 more per year.
In recent years, the district has eliminated firefighter positions and reduced costs while continuing to operate on what officials say is insufficient funding. The board decided to hold off on discussing additional budget cuts until after the April election.
“Our message remains the same,” Fire Chief John Nixon said. “We have equipment that’s failing, radios becoming a safety issue, vehicles that are costing extra money to maintain because they’re in many cases reaching the end of life, and staffing shortfalls that have created uncomfortable situations for us where we have to run short.”
The fire district plans to ask a citizen group for help talking to residents about the upcoming referendum question. Information about the proposal likely will be sent out through social media and in newsletters.
The district covers 38 square miles of unincorporated areas in St. Charles and Campton townships, as well as Campton Hills and Wayne.
Tags:, fire district to seek tax levy increase, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District news, Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District, tax referendum fails for Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, voters reject increased tax levy for the Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District
Dec 2
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 2 Comments
Excerpts from the
Six failed attempts at collecting more property tax revenue from residents have taken a toll on Fox River and Countryside fire officials. The cash-strapped district has been asking voters for years to raise its tax rate in hopes of increasing personnel levels and replacing aging equipment. At one point, the request even included a plan to build a third fire station at the center of the 38-square-mile district.
Instead, officials have had to cut firefighter positions and tighten their belts after voters rejected variations of the proposal time and time again. Their most recent request — a 60 percent hike — failed Nov. 6 by 342 votes. The margin by which the measure failed has narrowed significantly since the district’s first attempt, but the electorate also appeared to be completely different this time around. More than 9,000 votes were cast, compared to 2,000 in the spring.
Fire board members now plan to hold a special workshop to discuss how to continue operating on what they say is inadequate funding. Roughly 90 percent of the budget is funded by property taxes. At 27 cents per $100 of taxable property value, the district’s tax rate is one of the lowest in the area.
Reducing expenses, restructuring the district’s staffing model and seeking alternative coverage from other departments are among the options that could be considered. Trustees also are in the process of deciding what to do with a property at Bolcum and Crane roads, purchased years ago by the district as the intended site of a third station. After a referendum question failed in the spring, the board started looking into selling the property as a way to pad the district’s capital reserve fund. A recent appraisal determined the site is worth about $246,000. The nearby Fine Line Creative Arts Center has expressed interest in acquiring the site, but the nonprofit would first have to raise the money.
Tags:, fire district to seek tax levy increase, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District, tax referendum fails for Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, voters reject increased tax levy for the Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District
Nov 8
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 5 Comments
Excerpts from the
The Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District’s request for a property tax increase has failed yet again. Voters have a history of denying the district’s attempts to bring in more cash, and Tuesday’s election was no different. A binding referendum question seeking a 60 percent tax rate increase was denied in a 4,695 to 4,353 vote, according to unofficial tallies. The measure was a do-over from the March election, when the tax increase was rejected by a roughly 30-vote margin.
The cash-strapped district was hoping to use the additional $1 million or more per year to replace aging equipment, make crucial vehicle repairs, and bring staffing up to safer levels. The board already has cut several firefighter positions in the past two years, including three part-time posts in the spring. The reduced staffing levels have forced the district to occasionally brown-out one of its two stations.
Fire officials for years have been debating how best to serve the district’s 25,000 residents while operating on what they say is insufficient funding. In the past, they’ve even contemplated outsourcing services or dissolving the district.
The referendum question on Tuesday’s ballot asked to raise the district’s tax rate from 27 cents to 43 cents per $100 of equalized assessed value.
thanks Dan
Tags:, fire district to seek tax levy increase, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, tax referendum fails for Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, voters reject increased tax levy for the Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District
Nov 7
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 16 Comments
Excerpts from the
The Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District could be facing more budget cuts after voters Tuesday shot down a request to increase the property tax rate by 60 percent.
The binding referendum question received 4,694 “no” votes and 4,351 “yes” votes with all precincts reporting in Kane and DuPage counties, according to unofficial tallies. The tax hike would have cost the owner of a $100,000 home an additional $53 per year, bringing in at least an extra $1 million for the district.
This is the second time voters denied the fire district’s request for a tax hike. The cash-strapped agency now will likely have to cut more firefighter positions and potentially brown-out one of its two stations on a rotating basis, Chief John Nixon said.
Tags:, fire district to seek tax levy increase, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, tax referendum fails for Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, voters reject increased tax levy for the Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District
Nov 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 13 Comments
Excerpts from the
In the weeks leading up to the Nov. 6 election, a residents group has been making its final push to spread the word about a proposed property tax increase for the Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District.
The volunteers created a website, held informational meetings and increased their presence on social media. They handed out brochures during community events and communicated with homeowners associations. Most recently, they’ve been walking house to house to distribute door hangers in neighborhoods near St. Charles. The goal is to inform residents of the potential for reduced services if voters don’t approve a 16-cent tax rate increase for the cash-strapped district.
A binding referendum question on the ballot next week seeks to raise the property tax rate from 27 cents to 43 cents per $100 of equalized assessed value. If approved, the measure would generate at least an extra $1 million to replace aging equipment and bring staffing up to safe levels, Fire Chief John Nixon said.
Residents now have a second chance to vote on the tax hike, which would cost the owner of a $100,000 house an additional $53 a year.
Fire district officials for years have been grappling with how to operate on their existing tax rate, which they say is the lowest in the area. The fire board decided this spring to cut three part-time firefighter positions and a handful of full-time positions were eliminated two years ago. If voters say no again, trustees will be faced with determining how to pay for necessary vehicle repairs, replace equipment and continue operating on what they say is insufficient funding.
That likely would mean cutting more positions and browning out one of its two stations on a rotating basis.
Tags:, fire district to seek tax levy increase, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, tax referendum fails for Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District
Oct 25
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 4 Comments
Excerpts from the
Officials at the Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District are hoping voters will support their referendum for a 16-cent tax increase Nov. 6. The increase would boost the fire district’s tax rate to 44 cents per $100 of equalized assessed valuation, up from its almost 27 cents per $100 EAV. The increase would provide about $1 million more in revenue for the district, which covers about 38 square miles and serves residents in Campton Hills, Wayne and St. Charles townships.
The measure failed by 32 votes in the March 20 primary, but a portion of the question was left off the primary ballots. Officials filed suit for the omission and got the question on the congressional election ballot.
“It’s the identical proposition and we are in the same place financially,” Handley said. “If it doesn’t pass, we are going to have to figure out how to fund capital replacements. That west-side station has been closed off and on because we can’t get part-time people to work for $13.50 an hour.”
The district has had five failed referendums, six if the March 20 primary vote is included.
Tags:, fire district to seek tax levy increase, Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District, Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District, tax referendum fails for Fox River and Countryside Fire Rescue District
Jul 15
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | Comments off
Excerpts from the
A Kane County judge has ordered a do-over for the Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District referendum for Nov. 6 because the early voting and election day ballots in the spring were incomplete.
The rescue district’s tax increase question was rejected by 32 votes in the March 20 primary election, but Ken Shepro and other residents filed a lawsuit arguing the Kane County clerk failed to include a sentence on the ballot explaining what the tax increase would cost homeowners. That sentence is required by state law for tax increase questions and the clerk’s office failed to fix the problem after being notified, the suit says. In this case, it should have informed voters their taxes would increase $53 a year for every $100,000 in equalized assessed value of a home.
According to the lawsuit, Kane County Clerk John Cunningham was informed during early voting that the ballot question was incomplete. The remedy was to have election judges hand applicable voters a slip of paper explaining the tax increase’s effect for each $100,000 value of a home. Some voters got the slips but many did not.
Fire officials have said the tax increase was needed to avoid closing one of the district’s two fire stations every other day. Since the ballot effort failed, officials have cut several firefighters.
thanks Dennis
Tags: Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, tax increase referendum for fire district
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