Posts Tagged former Elk Grove Rural Fire Protection District headquarters

Mount Prospect Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from the

Mount Prospect’s firefighters union is speaking out about the relocation of an engine from its headquarters station at 111 Rand Road to the department’s newest station at 1415 E. Algonquin Road, which was inherited when the Elk Grove Rural Fire Protection District disbanded.

The engine had been used as the primary vehicle for fire suppression. That function has now been assigned to a tower ladder, which will have one additional firefighter/paramedic.

In 2016, the former fire chief pushed to house the engine at headquarters, then located on Northwest Highway. Now that issue has been revived on social media by Mount Prospect Firefighters International Association of Firefighters Local 4119.

The union noted that the engine is equipped for direct fire suppression, carrying over 700 gallons of water and multiple hose lines, which allows firefighters to start fighting fires immediately or during challenging wintry weather conditions. The tower carries less than 300 gallons of water and is primarily a unit put to use in rescue and aerial operations.

The union feels that the move will affect the response north of the railroad tracks.

Mount Prospect fire officials defended the move.

Fire Chief John Dolan said the engine, although not housed at headquarters, is still “manned, staffed and available to serve the entire community. Every fire gets all our apparatus, regardless where it is.”

The chief pointed out that at least 75% of calls are for emergency medical services, and that each of the four fire stations has an ambulance.

“We have four ambulances full time,” Deputy Chief Tom Wang said. “We’re one of only three towns in this area that have four full-time ambulances.”

thanks Rob

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Mount Prospect Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from the

Mount Prospect Fire Station 11 is open as staffing began at 8:45 a.m. Thursday at the former Elk Grove Rural Fire Protection District headquarters at 1415 E. Algonquin Road. The first call came at 10:17 a.m. It was a non-emergency response for an activated carbon monoxide detector.

Thursday’s opening was the culmination of a long process of wrangling and litigation between the village and the rural fire district board. Annexations and dwindling tax revenues forced the rural fire district to cease fire and emergency services in October. Mount Prospect took over and legislation recently dissolved the district.

In January, Mount Prospect began renovating the facility for what is now the village’s fourth fire station at a cost of around $1.7 million. The village achieved savings by using public works staff. The village has applied for a federal grant to cover virtually all construction costs.

The result is essentially a new facility, with fresh paint, an open space interior, and a dining table countertop from a local woodworker.

The former rural board’s meeting room is now used for training and filing reports. Lockers are no longer in the hallway, but are in a separate room formerly used for training. Sleeping quarters will include two private bunks.

The apparatus bay has an engine and an ambulance plus the fire protection district’s tender, useful for areas like the manufactured homes to the south that do not have hydrants.

Daily staffing will consist of one lieutenant paramedic and four firefighter paramedics, similar to the other three stations.

Mount Prospect now has two stations in the southern part of the village.

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