Excerpts from Chicago.cbslocal.com:
Some Chicago firefighters and paramedics will now be tested for coronavirus before and after work at specific firehouses. It begins today at two firehouses.
At least nine Chicago Fire Department members who work at the firehouse at 71st and Parnell have tested positive for COVID-19, and there may be more. “Hot” houses like that one are prompting the city and CFD to start shift change testing for the illness as a way to keep it from spreading as department cases keep rising. Several firehouses fit the “hot” criteria, including those at O’Hare and Midway. The firefighters’ union bought thermometers for every firehouse recently as an added symptom check layer.
In addition to firehouse testing, effective this week, all CFD firefighters are required to wear masks in rigs and firehouses.
Currently 151 department members have tested positive for COVID-19. 82 of those have recovered and are back to work, and 31 members are in self-quarantine.