The Manhattan Fire Protection District Medwerks Ambulance Remount from Alexis Fire Equipment Company is in the final stages! With inspection and detailing wrapping up, this unit is almost ready to hit the road. Stay tuned for final delivery photos!
Archive for January, 2025
From crossroads ambulance
thanks Martin
From Chicago Ridge Fire Facebook page
CRFD would like to introduce our new Battalion 6 vehicle placed in service on New Year’s Eve. Our Battalion car can serve as a command post for fire incidents, but can also be seen accompanying crews on nearly every emergency we respond to. Keep an eye out for the newest addition to our fleet!
thanks Martin
From Bill Schreiber:
Lemont Engine 931 Rosenbauer Commander pumper chassis is starting production
As seen around … Chicago
Jan 1
Chicago had a 2-11 Alarm fire on New Year’s Eve
Here’s a video of the 2-11 I got there right as they struck it out and I got 5-7-1 going to the fire with engine 49
From Robert’s Park FPD
Roberts Park Fire Protection District responded to 4,866 calls for service in 2024—our busiest year yet! Despite adjustments to reduce certain responses (like fire alarms in neighboring towns without confirmed fires), we’ve seen a noticeable rise in non-emergent calls. While we are always here to answer every call, it’s important to remember that non-emergent calls can delay our crews from responding to life-threatening emergencies. As we step into 2025, we wish everyone a safe and healthy year ahead. Please remember: 911 is for emergencies. Let’s work together to keep our community safe!
thanks Martin