Excerpts from villageofniles.com:

New Business:

A. Fire Chief Feld informed the group that public works would be asking for board approval to purchase a 2028 fire engine at July’s 23rd Village Board Meeting. This engine is a part of the Village’s CIP for fiscal year 2029 and would be placing the 2015 Pierce engine into reserve status.

B. Fire Chief Feld informed the group that at the August 27th, 2024, Village Board Meeting, public works would be requesting a change order for the fire engine in production (Approved by the Village of Niles Board of Trustees meeting on April 27, 2022). The intent to purchase had a not to exceed $889,000 threshold. The pre-construction review has led to a price which is $6,060.00 dollars over the not to exceed amount. It was explained to the committee that there were 11 pages of changes/addition/deletions to the original proposal which resulted in the need for a change order of $6,060 dollars.

thanks Martin