From the Foster Coach Sales website:

Foster Coach Sales photo

Foster Coach Sales photos
thanks Martin
From the Foster Coach Sales website:
Foster Coach Sales photo
Foster Coach Sales photos
thanks Martin
Tags: ambulance on Freightliner M2 chassis, Buffalo Grove Fire Department, Foster Coach Sales, new ambulance for Buffalo Grove, new Buffalo Grove FD ambulance - Freightliner - Horton Type 1
This entry was posted on October 9, 2021, 11:00 AM and is filed under Ambulance photos, Fire Department News, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Mike C on October 11, 2021 - 8:29 AM
Andy – I’m curious to see the lifespan on the Freightliner compared to the Fords. I never really thought the additional expense for the medium chassis paid off but I’d like to see BG’s long-term analysis and see how it pays off.
#2 by Andy on October 10, 2021 - 4:38 PM
We actually switched 27 to a normal jump company last summer. They take first calls in their district in the ambulance if they’re in quarters and are second or third due in town based on AVL/GPS.
The ambulances rotate based on mileage. The new one will be in service at 26 for a while when it’s under warranty. After that they’ll shuffle them to get the miles on things that need them and give the others a break. Typically the ambulance at 25 is generally the next to get replaced. We kept the fords for about 8 years. The hope is to get a little longer out of the bigger chassis.
#3 by Rob on October 10, 2021 - 11:37 AM
Yes Q27 is jump with A27 with a crew of 3. The way it works is if both A25 and A26 are on runs and a 3rd ems call comes in then A27 takes the run. They will always have a reserve which is at st 26.
In regard to the rotation, I think it is once a month or could be quarterly. I am not sure on this.
#4 by Bill Post on October 10, 2021 - 10:59 AM
Is Quint 27 a jump company with Ambulance 27 were the quint goes out of service if the ambulance is dispatched to a call?
Since the ambulances rotate, how long do they stay at a station before moving?
#5 by harry on October 10, 2021 - 8:40 AM
it will be sad to see the f series go to get a fl
#6 by Rob on October 9, 2021 - 6:27 PM
This will be their 4th.
This will replace 2013 Ford F450/med tec.
They rotate all the ambos.
#7 by Evan Davis on October 9, 2021 - 6:09 PM
Is this their 3rd Freightliner/Horton?