From Des Plaines Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 4211 @desplainesfire:
We regret to pass along that one of our active-duty members, Tom Bauer, passed away unexpectedly on October 22nd, 2021. No specific details are set for services or arrangements, but we will make sure to pass this information along to all of you once these are set. We ask that you keep his family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Tim Olk photo
#1 by Mike on October 26, 2021 - 1:26 PM
Rest In Peace Tom.
#2 by John Antkowski on October 25, 2021 - 6:22 PM
Rest In Peace, Brother.
#3 by harry on October 25, 2021 - 4:49 PM
sorry to hear and hopefully his family and friends and his whole fire dept family will be comforted in this time and healing god bless him
#4 by Evan Davis on October 25, 2021 - 1:27 PM
Praying for God’s peace and comfort for the Bauer family, his friends, and the DPFD family!