This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT- Crestwood Engine 2, later 2313, a 1966 Seagrave 1000/600.Mike Summa

Mike Summa photo
And from our files:

CRESTWOOD FD E2313 1966 SEAGRAVE 1000-500. Karl Klotz photo

Bill Friedrich photo

Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by Tim on October 19, 2021 - 6:26 PM
Dirk, you must have slept at the pump house on Route 83.
#2 by The DH on October 19, 2021 - 2:20 PM
2812 should be a Posen ambulance, that’s not to say it wasn’t owned by Vandenberg after Posen dumped it.
#3 by Dirk haton on October 19, 2021 - 12:43 PM
Is that ambulance marked 2812 an old Vandenberg unit? I worked for them way back in the day and it looks familiar. They had two Horton’s and we did cover Crestwood.
#4 by Crabbymilton on October 18, 2021 - 12:24 PM
Milwaukee had a 1964 version like that until 1989. That was the rig that really got me interested in fire apparatus as a youngster. Here’s a twist, I found out years after it was gone that it was built the same year as me.
#5 by Mike hellmuth on October 14, 2021 - 4:49 PM
I wonder when the new Seagrave engines will be delivered….