Excerpts from the racinecountyeye.com:
At its Tuesday morning meeting, the Police and Fire Commission reviewed possible changes to the city’s recruitment processes, specifically new-hire written tests.
During the meeting, Samantha Thorstad, HR analyst for the city, recommended doing away with the written test portion of the recruitment process.
“The commission sets the weight of percentages for when we’re doing a police or fire recruitment,” Thorstad said.
In light of that finding, the HR department opted to “cancel out the written test scores so that there was no disparate impact.”
“Which means we have 40 percent of the scores unaccounted for,” she continued. “The other two percentages in this process would be the panel interview and the chief’s interview. In talking with Chief Leipzig, as well as Steve Stanczyk, our recommendation would be to take the 40 percent that would normally be reserved for the written test and break that into 20 percent over both of the interviews.”
thanks Asher
#1 by Scott L on December 19, 2020 - 3:18 PM
Yup dumb everything down to broaden your hiring pool cause thats not going to cause any issues. Thank god I passed on taking that job what a joke. You get what you deserve!
#2 by Austin on December 18, 2020 - 9:04 AM
While I do not think a written test should be eliminated, I think this will only continue. You hear a lot of younger people (especially gen z/zoomers) who never write anything out after school. Even in school more stuff is done on tablets and computers, than with a pen and paper. Not to mention lots of people can’t spell to save their lives, they are used to either auto suggestions for words now. I almost wonder if this move is for catering to the teens/early 20 somethings. This can’t because of cost since it doesn’t costs anything.
#3 by crabbymilton on December 18, 2020 - 6:49 AM
Or here’s a good test…Ok then what qualifies you to be a paramedic? Well, I have watched every single episode of EMERGENCY at least 100 times since it comes on METV and other classic rerun TV networks all the time. Excellent! When can you start?
#4 by Big Moe on December 18, 2020 - 6:29 AM
Ridiculous. No need to screen for basic math and language skills in the modern age of the fire service. short guys and gals on the engine and tall folks on the ladder, mayors kids in the buggies. Who needs any testing?
#5 by Mike on December 17, 2020 - 8:38 AM
The written exam isn’t what they were years ago. A lot of people taking them today are book smart but can’t physically do this job. Plus the testing companies write these tests to make money and usually write these tests for at least a 50% failure rate. Maybe if they have a test with basic math, language and decision making that may be a way to go but nobody will ever write a test that way. That would make to much sense.
#6 by crabbymilton on December 17, 2020 - 6:06 AM
Yeah it’s bad enough that so many doctors are a bunch of do nothing self important hacks now they want to pass that along to first responders? Yes, it makes the truly good people in both vocations look bad. Sheesh, and we have parades for medical people. If they want to organize a parade for lawyers, I’ll join in and help. Make all the jokes you want but at least lawyers can try to get you something when doctors screw up.
#7 by Chuck on December 16, 2020 - 10:22 PM
Let’s add to the dumbing down of the fire service why don’t we. Then when good talkers can’t pass FF II or EMT or paramedic school this will have all been a colossal mistake.