This from Wayne Stuar for #TBT:
The Gary Fire Department operated this 1950 American La France pumper Serial #L-4034. It had a 1000-GPM pump and a 300-gallon tank. It also carried a 40Ft. and a 38 Ft. ladder as well as a 24 Ft. and a 12 Ft roof ladder. It ran as Engine Company No. 7 in Miller for many years.wayne stuart collection

Wayne Stuart collection
#1 by wayne stuart on July 24, 2020 - 3:23 PM
Mike Mc, Engine 7 was a standard pumper from the time Miller was annexed into Gary until the middle 60’s when the ISO raters came in. At that time the nearest truck company was Truck 1 in downtown Gary. On a good day a run to the far east end of Miller, which is County Line Rd. and also the eastern city limits of Gary usually took 20 to 30 minutes barring traffic, trains or bad Northwest Indiana weather. Since the new Station 7 was opened there have been on and off again times due to manpower, apparatus shortages, etc that a ladder was actually in service in Miller. When Engine 11 was organized in 1959 further east of Engine 7 they also had a similar apparatus that had been previously assigned to Truck 5 in Glen Park.
#2 by Greg on July 24, 2020 - 6:31 AM
Gary Fire House 7 was located at approximately 6300 South Grand, at the intersection of Miller. The house sits on a triangle at that intersection and as of 2018 was still standing but not in use.
#3 by Mike Mc on July 23, 2020 - 10:57 PM
Does anyone know where the old firehouse was and if it is still standing? Thanks.
The roof mounted ladders remind me of old CFD Engines 81, 88, and 97. They carried extra ladders because they were a long way from the nearest truck. They called them combinations. This makes me wonder if Chicago copied Gary or vice versa.
#4 by crabbymilton on July 23, 2020 - 12:25 PM
Very nice picture. The Ivy on the station is a nice touch.