This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-Here is a photo of Matteson Engine 3, a 1957 ALF 1000 gpm open cab pumper. It was the first post war purchase for this department. It was retired in 1991. Next to it is Engine 6, a 1973 Seagrave 1250/500. This picture not mine, but found on Matteson Fire Dept. website.Mike Summa

Matteson FD Engine 3, a 1957 ALF 1000 gpm open cab pumper and Engine 6, a 1973 Seagrave 1250/500. Matteson FD photo
#1 by CrabbyMilton on April 2, 2020 - 11:30 AM
2 rival builders side by side. Hope they didn’t fight after the picture. All kidding aside, it’s nice to see rival builders pictured together.