This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
Saw these outside the fire academy Tuesday

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
Saw these outside the fire academy Tuesday
Tags: chi-town fire photos, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department
This entry was posted on December 7, 2018, 11:00 AM and is filed under Fire Truck photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by harry on December 9, 2018 - 4:08 PM
sometimes old is good sometimes not heck Madison il just got rid of a 1983 eone engine after 35 years of service but it is a vol. dept
#2 by David on December 9, 2018 - 12:33 PM
Nice photos Josh, the new E-One looks great! Also any news on the 6-8-7?
#3 by rich S. on December 8, 2018 - 8:33 PM
5-1-1 & 5-1-2 are both having issues weekly if not more. However new rigs are not budgeted at this time. A proposal is being put into place to replace these asap. Unfortunately its not as easy as saying we need new rigs as the fire department. There are several moving parts that have to click in order to replace rigs including Fire, Fleet, Finance and of course legal departments. So hopefully it will get done very soon. I know its a top priority and the right people are working on it.
#4 by Matthew G on December 8, 2018 - 1:30 PM
rich because of the parts issues with the ALF’s, do you know if they are going to bid out on replacement for HIT twins, 5-1-1 and 5-1-2?
#5 by Bob on December 8, 2018 - 12:50 AM
Engine 92 was in a spare for a couple weeks and just got their rig back. As of Monday they are back in a spare (Engine 125’s old rig). As I was driving by, I saw fleet and 92’s engineer messing with the pump.
#6 by Danny on December 7, 2018 - 8:14 PM
Pump was removed from the old TL 5 prior to entering service there was only 14 apparatus purchased in 2000… not including the squads
engine 23 ALF
engine 92 freightliner ALF
Tower 5 ALF
9 Emergency one 100 ft rear mounts (24 13 60 28 11 50 30 49 40)
2 pirece 100 ft rear mounts(trucks 47 and 52 with the white ladders)
#7 by rich S. on December 7, 2018 - 5:43 PM
TL 5’s rig is in pretty bad shape and has had issues for a while. The major problem with the La France rigs TL 5, 5-1-1, 5-1-2, spare squad old E 23 is that there are no parts to fix these rigs when they have issues. It’s very costly both in parts and time to fix these. The way that the city replaces rigs is not only by age or date of purchase. Down time and repairs done are also considered in replacement. So there may be and are other rigs that will be replaced before E 92. It is nice to see E-One returning to the city.
#8 by Josh on December 7, 2018 - 5:06 PM
I have pictures of both New N Old Tower 5 also. I’ll submit them to the webmaster for a later posting
#9 by John Antkowski on December 7, 2018 - 3:27 PM
What shape was TL-5 in? I remember when they got that rig. The city was in an emergency buying spree. That rig initially came with a pump that I think cfd shop removed before it went into service. Engine 23 had an identical ALF engine that in turn became a spare Squad. They also bought the freighltliner soda truck at Engine 92. That should be the next rig up for replacement. I would love to see E/One return to Milwaukee. Nice pictures.
#10 by Michael m on December 7, 2018 - 12:42 PM
They turned out nice!
#11 by Danny on December 7, 2018 - 12:08 PM
City had a press conference at the quarters of engine 23 and to 5 with both new towers side by side next to engine 23 at 1030 11 am on friday 12 7 18 and stated that both towers were in service at quarters starting today December 7th
#12 by CrabbyMilton on December 7, 2018 - 11:50 AM
Those E-ONE’s certainly look like they fit in well.