This from Matt Tessler:
Leyden new 78ft quint on order.

E-ONE HP78 quint for the Leyden Township FPD
This from Matt Tessler:
Leyden new 78ft quint on order.
E-ONE HP78 quint for the Leyden Township FPD
Tags: Drawing of an E-ONE HP78 quint for the Leyden Township FPD, Leyden Fire Protection District, new quint for Leyden Township FPD
This entry was posted on September 19, 2018, 7:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, New Apparatus Order. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Matt on September 26, 2018 - 1:13 PM
Rich you act like having 2 guys on a rig is somthing we asked for. Sadly we can’t just pull money out of our asses and magically staff our rigs with 4 dudes to fill all of your textbook positions. If we could we would. But I know we aren’t the only District in Illinois running with 2. If you care we are working to solve the issue and get our staffing up. It takes time, it’s not somthing you can just change in one day. But once again thank you for your concern of our members and residents. Things should change soon.
#2 by rich S. on September 25, 2018 - 8:45 PM
So you see IMO it’s not about knowing what you’re doing because IMO from your statement about 2 fireman you don’t know what you’re doing. many people have fought to get and keep a safe and proper manning compliment but you guys just let it go. That’s wrong IMO. but again what do I know. At least it’s an E-One truck… that you got right. Please be safe
#3 by rich S. on September 25, 2018 - 8:40 PM
Matt, I am local and I do know of your department. So tell me when you are not with the ambulance and you only have 2 members on the rig and you roll up on a real fire you have a pump operator/hydrant guy and an officer/pipeman/forcable entry/command/safety guy…. tell me what are you going to really accomplish?? that’s not a smart or safe manning compliment. But what do I know? And if the ambulance is out and you have to go out of town? 2 guys? please don’t bother
#4 by Brian on September 24, 2018 - 3:34 PM
Thanks Matt, a concept that many here don’t grasp, Building a rig that fits the need of the department.
#5 by Matt on September 23, 2018 - 12:26 PM
The primary purpose of this apparatus is to be used as an engine for all in town fires and a truck company for out of town fires. We looked into the metro and the ascendant but the specs didn’t fit our needs. We were able to get 4 cross-lays and keep our 800ft of 4 inch out of the rear plus out skid. Our current 75ft quint has been able to fit into tight spaces other full size trucks would never have. It’s works for us, a lot of thought and planning went into this purchase to best fulfill our districts needs.
#6 by anthony R on September 21, 2018 - 6:03 PM
the ascendant isn’t junk we got one in service and another on the way
#7 by rj on September 21, 2018 - 10:11 AM
Time will tell if the Ascendant is a piece of junk or not. What I will say is a 100′ or 107′ steel ladder on a single axle with a tank, pump and NFPA compliant compliment of ground ladders is a TON of weight. They also appear to have very little compartment space, we’ll have to see how some of the local departments fare with them.
#8 by Localguy on September 21, 2018 - 8:21 AM
The Accendent is JUNK. If you want a 100ft single axle the E-One Metro is the way to go.
#9 by MABAS 21 on September 20, 2018 - 4:34 PM
Maybe there was a limit on how much the district was willing to spend on a new quint.
#10 by Big Moe on September 20, 2018 - 1:17 PM
I was thinking the same thing, Westside! Or an Accendent from Pierce
#11 by Matt on September 20, 2018 - 7:08 AM
Hey Rich, I’m assuming from your comment you’re local to the Leyden Fire Protection District considering you know so much about them. The ambulance driver jumps to the truck on fire calls. Rolling out with a minimum of 3. Days of a full shift the Truck rolls out with 4. IMO the rare chance you do roll out on a fire with 2 you’re still getting 2 firefighters that know what they’re doing. But thanks
#12 by Westside on September 20, 2018 - 1:09 AM
why not just get a Metro 100 if you like E-One? anything less the 100′ is a waste IMO.
#13 by Rich S. on September 19, 2018 - 9:37 PM
Great a new rig , To bad they cut there manning down to 2 on the rig and 2 on the ambulance.
#14 by harry on September 19, 2018 - 9:25 AM
looks nice it is much needed I hope they keep their current ladder as a spare well then by the time they get this the next in line vehicle to be replaced will be the pu with plow however based on how great of shape it s in I doubt the pu will be replaced soon it will be sad to see the black over yellow to go