Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo
Excerpts from woodtv.com:
Hundreds of police officers and firefighters from across the Midwest joined community members in Kalamazoo Wednesday to honor Comstock Township Fire Chief Ed Switalski, who was hit by a vehicle and killed last week during a call.
The chief was laid to rest with full honors, including the presentation of a duty medal, a bell ceremony, taps, a flag folding, a 21-gun salute, and his final call.
Everyone who spoke of Switalski, whether family or friend, shared a common theme: a giving heart.
“He constantly cared about others. He was there every step of the way when my Auntie Holly had breast cancer. He was there and donated his kidney when his nephew Christopher needed one,” his niece said.
Switalski leaves behind a wife and two daughters, one of whom spoke during the funeral.
“I am also honored to be the last family member to have seen and spoken to him,” Emily Switalski said. “Before he went on every call, My mom, my sister and I would always say, ‘I love you. Be safe.’ And those words were the last words I was ever able to say to him.”
Before the final call for Switalski sounded, hundreds of firefighters from Michigan, Indiana and Illinois — where Switalski worked for some 30 years before becoming chief in Comstock Township in 2013 — took part in his funeral procession.
A restored 1937 fire truck carried his body 24 miles from the funeral home through downtown Kalamazoo and Comstock Township before arriving at Wings Event Center. Firefighters in nearly 200 fire engines followed. Members of the public lined the streets to say thank you.
The procession continued out of Kalamazoo and past Comstock’s three fire stations. Outside the station on River Street, the chief’s bunker gear and helmet were laid out on the apron as Battle Creek firefighters, filling in so Comstock crews could attend the funeral, stood by. None of the BCFD firefighters had ever met Switalksi, but they were working on their day off to honor him.
“Myself and the other fire fighters from Battle Creek consider this a great honor to be able to cover this station for these fire fighters and for their chief,” BCFD Lt. Lamar Mingle said.
Gov. Rick Snyder ordered all U.S. and Michigan flags lowered to half-staff Wednesday in honor of Switalski.
thanks Dan

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo
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#1 by CrabbyMilton on June 22, 2017 - 12:47 PM
Beautiful send off.
#2 by harry on June 22, 2017 - 11:32 AM
god bless him and all his family