Here is a picture of the ALS Rapid Response vehicle that the Elmhurst Fire Department put into service this weekend. The vehicle, which is labeled “Rescue 1” is provided by & staffed by Metro Paramedic Services. Out of the three options the City of Elmhurst looked at (upgrading to ALS engines; running a 3rd ambulance; running an ALS rapid response vehicle), this is the one that was chosen.

Elmhurst Fire Department Rescue 1
#1 by FF51 on June 9, 2017 - 11:05 PM
From what I hear, Tom is already doing a great job destroying this department.
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#2 by Mike on June 9, 2017 - 4:53 PM
This is nothing but pure politics. The local has been asking to use their medics and make the fire companies als. The city and their spineless chief want nothing to do with this. So instead they will pay a private contractor 140,000 a year for 1 more medic and a car. The cost to go ALS for the fire rigs is less then half that and they already have their own medics. Way to do what’s best for the residents and way to go Tom. Let’s ruin this department like you did lisle.
#3 by Bmurphy on June 7, 2017 - 9:51 AM
Yes it does indeed appear as if politics and cronyism played a role in this arrangement. With its seemingly deep tax base (lots of healthy upscale retail and commercial businesses, a large and vibrant industrial park, and a growing upper middle class population of over 42,000 with home values ranging from upper $400s to over $2M) you’d think that making the right service delivery choice for the people (making the engines ALS) would be a no-brainer.
Disappointing to say the least, as someone who grew up there and has lots of immediate family and friends still in town.
My department, in a smaller town with a smaller tax base, has better EMS cover than Elmhurst (27,000 folks including my family with 2 ALS ambulances and 2 3-persons ALS engines staffed 24/7/365).
Perhaps the EFD local might want to have some friendly chats with the folks they are (trying) to serve. “An educated electorate…”
#4 by Brian McCaffery on June 6, 2017 - 10:27 PM
Michael M st 1
#5 by FF51 on June 6, 2017 - 8:46 PM
It’s stationed at St.1 but it floats to wherever the ambulance request is. St. 2 gets an ems call, it moves there to cover while Medic 2 is out and vice versa. Then, if there’s a 3rd ambo request, well sure hope it’s not an ALS call cuz they’re gonna get a BLS fire rig while the car is tied up on the 2nd ambo request.
#6 by Bill on June 6, 2017 - 6:50 PM
How stupid , the village should invest in there fire dept, get rid of the contract and hire full timers …….Big dis service to the residents
#7 by Michael M on June 6, 2017 - 5:34 PM
Which station will this be stationed at?
#8 by jsvens on June 6, 2017 - 5:14 PM
Unfortunately, the whole exercise was about Metro making more money, and not about the city providing a better service.
#9 by Marty Coomes on June 6, 2017 - 5:06 PM
Bad trend in today’s fire service. ALS fire rigs are a very efficient way to cover 3 and 4th calls.
#10 by Brian McCaffery on June 6, 2017 - 4:51 PM
Too bad its not mentioned that the cost savings to the city had they gone with the ALS engines. They paid Metro over 140k a year when ALS engines would have cost less than 75k.