New Spartan/Marion engine for Maywood at the Illinois Fire Chief’s show in Peoria.

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
New Spartan/Marion engine for Maywood at the Illinois Fire Chief’s show in Peoria.
Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
Tags: Chciago FD Spartan engine, fire truck photos, Gordon J. Nord Jr., Marion Fire and Rescue Apparatus, new fire engine for the Maywood Fire Department
This entry was posted on October 13, 2016, 11:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by MABAS21 on October 15, 2016 - 12:25 PM
Nice to see a new engine with a booster reel and an 888 light mounted on it!
#2 by Erik H on October 14, 2016 - 4:22 PM
If the Elgin engine is gone is there any spare engine(s)? Or is the current frontline engine that’s being replaced going to be the spare?
Any chance there is another one coming
#3 by Drew on October 14, 2016 - 11:17 AM
The reserve engine that Maywood snagged from Elgin has been gone for over a year…there was some massive transmission or engine failure and they got rid of it.
#4 by Zach C on October 13, 2016 - 7:42 PM
A lot of good people at Maywood Fire Department. Glad to see them get this beautiful engine!
#5 by ffpm571 on October 13, 2016 - 7:13 PM
Maywood has been solid red for over 20 years. The only non solid red is the reserve they bought used from Elgin
#6 by Crabby Milton on October 13, 2016 - 5:39 PM
Well, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery but at least there isn’t a trend toward very light green with purple polka dots.
HEHE some dept. will get wind of that and say…”See that, lets spec that color and…”
#7 by Rj on October 13, 2016 - 3:37 PM
Agreed. The proliferation of depts changing to black over red rigs is becoming nauseating.
#8 by CrabbyMilton on October 13, 2016 - 12:29 PM
Nice to see a return to solid red in some areas.