This from John Tulipano:
I was honored to capture a few images of the plaque dedication for F/F Vic Youngberg of the West Chicago FPD who lost his battle with cancel one year ago. A beautiful plaque was dedicated at ARFF rescue Station 8 at the DuPage Airport.

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo
#1 by Michael M on December 7, 2014 - 1:58 PM
Before West Chicago built their new stations, how many apparatus did that station use to house?
#2 by The DH on December 7, 2014 - 12:22 PM
1-2 a month average, could go a month without a run too. Not all aircraft related though.
#3 by Shane on December 7, 2014 - 11:13 AM
How many calls does that station run?