The Naperville Sun has an article about a fatal fire in Naperville on Thursday night:
Cariene Jones, 39, was killed when a fire broke out late Thursday night in the three-story building at 108 Douglas Ave.Tenants of other apartments who found themselves displaced by the blaze spent much of Friday moving their belongings to cars and vans, while members of a restoration and cleaning crew went about their business inside the building. TChief Deputy DuPage County Coroner Charlie Dastych formally confirmed Jones had died in the fire. “The investigation is still pending” into the cause of Jones’ death, Dastych said earlyFriday afternoon. “Preliminarily, there are no indications of suspicious circumstances” in the case, he said.Naperville Fire Department investigators are continuing to seek the source and cause of the blaze, which broke out about 11:33 p.m. Thursday. Bureau Chief Kevin Lyne said firefighters arrived on the scene within four minutes of receiving the initial 911 call. Other residents reported the presence of fire and smoke in the building, Lyne said early Friday in a release.While searching the building, firefighters found an “unconscious and unresponsive victim” in one of the second-floor apartments, Lyne said. Paramedics took that person, now identified as Jones, to Edward Hospital in Naperville, where Lyne said efforts to revive her proved unsuccessful. Firefighters had the blaze under control within 10 minutes of their arrival, Lyne said. The building’s second and third floors and attic suffered fire, smoke and water damage that Lyne estimated at $100,000.
thanks Andy
#1 by LFD 543 on March 26, 2014 - 1:21 AM
Thank you ffpm240, for providing some information. I’ll have to assume that the 3 other FD’s in Division 16 would respond on a 2nd alarm, and then then go to other MABAS Div.’s for everything after that?
#2 by ffpm240 on March 23, 2014 - 2:52 PM
Report of a fire gets a “general alarm assignment” made up of the following apparatus:
3 engines (9 people)
2 trucks (6 people)
1 squad (3 people)
2 medic units (4 people)
2 bat chiefs (2 people)
and a lot of “staff” cars
Subsequent alarm would be a “box” which gets:
The remaining 3 Naperville engines
The last remaining Naperville truck
More medics units as well as back coverage for Naperville’s stations
More staff cars
MVA are initially dispatched as a single unit (medic only) unless the accident occurs on a major road or intersection then it gets an engine or squad (depending on who’s still district)
Extracation accidents get:
1 engine
1 truck
1 squad
2 medic units and both bat chiefs
Hope this helps
#3 by LFD 543 on March 23, 2014 - 3:23 AM
Very sad & tragic not only for the family, but also for the members of Naperville FD who responded.
I almost feel like I should not post my questions here since they are off-topic. But, what are the dispatch assignments for Naperville for an initial report of a fire, then subsequent alarms?
And for other incidents like MVA’s, etc.?
Is there a reason why Div. 16’s box cards are not found online?
Or did I not look hard enough?