This from Eric Haak:
Shortly before 0900 hrs on Saturday, November 30th, Chicago’s Main Fire Alarm Office received a call of a person in the water at the Humboldt Park Lagoon. Squad 2 was returning from being held on a working fire response and as the MFAO was dispatching them, they received information that it was an over zealous dog who had chased a flock of geese and not a person. Battalion 12 and Engine 57 reported on scene with Truck 36 and confirmed that they had a dog about 25 feet from shore in about 5 feet of water (according to fishing depth charts I checked out on-line). Squad 2 had members suited up as they arrived and proceeded to make the rescue. As Squad 2’s member got ready to lasso the pooch with a life preserver, the dog decided he had enough and began to swim in towards his waiting rescuer. At this point, Squad 2’s member abandoned the life preserver and grabbed the dog by the collar. For a brief moment, the dog’s weight broke the ice and caused it to go under, almost causing the CFD member to take a complete dip in the icy water. However, the dog was quickly wrangled in, lifted out of the water and made a quick run to it’s owner. The dog looked a little sheepish as it climbed into a CPD squad who took the owner and her dog home.

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo
#1 by Greg Friese on December 4, 2013 - 7:32 AM
Good to see another swimmer ready to go in, full PPE, if needed and many others on the shoreline wearing a PFD. Well done.
#2 by FFEMT on December 1, 2013 - 3:29 AM
You’re exactly right Grumpy…good PR and even better training! Not an operation that any FD does frequently so any opportunity to get the toys out and drill is well worth it!
#3 by grumpy grizzly on November 30, 2013 - 5:28 PM
Guys best PR you will ever get, everbody loves dogs! Glad to see those going the extra mile for a dog! Guys did good!