Christopher Holmes submitted several images depicting some of the apparatus which makes up the Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District.

Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District emblem. Chris Holmes photo

One of the new Type I ambulances for the Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District. Chris Holmes photo

A new IHC/Alexis engine #1820. Chris Holmes photo

Reserve Ambulance 1832. Chris Holmes photo

Command Car 1810. Chris Holmes photo

Part of the graphics package on the new ambulances. Chris Holmes photo

Rear ambulance graphics. Chris Holmes photo

Ambulance interior. Chris Holmes photo
#1 by Evan Davis on September 29, 2011 - 8:47 PM
Nice looking rigs! Nice to see that department up and running!
#2 by Garrett on September 29, 2011 - 3:07 PM
Not a fan of the graphics/color scheme, though it is nice to see new apparatus driving around Randall.