A loyal reader of this site, Campbell Holinger, was at the house explosion this evening in Hickory Hills and has submitted several images. Campbell says that the incident occurred at 9122 Barberry, in Hickory Hills which is covered by the Roberts Park Fire Protection District. They initially requested a full still alarm for the fire which was followed by a TRT Box Alarm and an EMS Box Alarm. Around 1820 they returned all companies not on the scene, which included most of the TRT equipment and the balance of the EMS Box.
“The whole front of the house was all blown out, the side of the house was blown off,” he said.”The roof looks like it went up three or four feet and came down.”
Polensky (a neighbor) said that a retired couple had lived in the raised ranch home for years and he said he saw the couple walking out of the home appearing uninjured. Police said no one was injured.
He said that when crews arrived, large plumes of smoke streamed out of the home as though something were smoldering inside. Currently nearly a dozen fire crews were in the area and were going to surrounding homes checking for gas.