From chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram:
A visit to the quaters of engine 19
Home to:Engine 19 (spare d-545)Truck 11Ambo 46-4-5 was stopping by to fix an air pack

chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram
From chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram:
A visit to the quaters of engine 19
Home to:Engine 19 (spare d-545)Truck 11Ambo 46-4-5 was stopping by to fix an air pack
chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram
Tags: CFD Air Mask Unit 6-4-5, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago Fire Station, Chicago fire trucks, Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, spare Chicago fire engine in service
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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