From the Pierce Flickr site:
Pierce, City of Des Plaines Fire Department, 35763-1

Pierce composite
thanks Danny
From the Pierce Flickr site:
Pierce, City of Des Plaines Fire Department, 35763-1
Pierce composite
thanks Danny
Tags:,, Des Plaines FD Squad 63, Des Plaines Fire Department, new squad for Des Plaines, Pierce Enforcer PUC rescue engine
This entry was posted on October 3, 2021, 11:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Bill on October 5, 2021 - 7:46 PM
Wasn’t the old squad a military 6×6 this is a big upgrade. Atleast they didn’t buy a mini pumper squad
#2 by Rich s. on October 5, 2021 - 2:01 PM
They have already had their one incident. An entire family in one house fire. 5 children and the mother. Is that not enough?
#3 by Dan M. on October 5, 2021 - 8:47 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but all frontline apparatus in Des Plaines is paramedic equipped. Des Plaines has traded in a piece of suppression/rescue apparatus (Truck/Quint) for an ambulance and has put some of the rescue gear on an engine. One of the problems that will arise will be when the squad is being utilized for a rescue and an engine still comes in in their district. The bigger issue seems not the elimination of the truck but rather the need for a fourth station as earlier presentations by the Fire Fighters Union has shown and been mentioned in previous posts here. I realize more calls are for medical, however it will take one incident for this decision to prove fatal. All the credit to those who serve as FF/PMs in Des Plaines, you’re doing more with what hand you’ve been dealt by your superiors.
#4 by harry on October 4, 2021 - 8:17 PM
local guy yes i do beleive the tower at palm beacg gardens runs as a jump co or they take 1 off e64 and put 1 on the tower but yes station 61 run truck rescue=ambo 61 bc 61 and ems 61 and brush 61 then 62 is engine and rescue 62 63 is engine rescue and brush 63 64 is engine rescue and tower 64 and 65 is engine rescue and brush 65 but the point is they only run the 2 trucks when the need arises which is rare because in 2015 i went there the first time and from 2015-2021 i have been to this dept palm beach gardens fl 9 times and have only seen the ladders respond 4 times ever thats not much but all in all every dept is differant and i am not saying by any means des plaines does not need two trucks because with the rr tracks they should but if this is there solution i hope it works
#5 by Chicagoland fire photos on October 4, 2021 - 7:50 PM
okay i need to get this straight are engine and tower 63 being taken out of service? what is happening to the apparatus? and what are they going to be used for?
#6 by Localguy on October 4, 2021 - 6:19 PM
Harry, your comment is a bit double sided. Yes, Palm Beach Gardens runs 12,000 plus runs a year. All their ambo runs are included in that. The 75ft stick runs as a quint out of a station with an ambulance. You are saying they run their city with one truck. Except when they get a fire they run the tower. So technically they operate two truck companies at a fire not one. I would make the assumption the tower is a jump company. So it’s not making ems runs or other engine related calls. It just runs fires.
#7 by harry on October 4, 2021 - 4:20 PM
rich s take arlington hts for instance they only run 1 tower and 1 in reserve and the city in florida called palm beach gardens has a 2012 75ft frontline with a 2015 tower in reserve/frontline for working fires and city of palm beach gardens fl runs 12,000 plus calls a year and in 2019 palm beach gardens fl fire rescue had a population in 2019 of 56,219 with square miles of 59.34 square miles and they make do with one frontline truck always have aand to be honest with the little they use there truck there 2004 pierce arrow xt tower replaced in 2015 did not even have 10,000 miles on it
#8 by rich s. on October 4, 2021 - 9:24 AM
This will not take the place of dedicated engine and truck companies. This is a terrible idea that the members are going to make the best of. A village the size and population of Des Plaines needs two trucks. period
#9 by harry on October 3, 2021 - 8:56 PM
looks nice