The former Oak Lawn aerial that went to the Brooklyn Park Fire Department in Anne Arundel County, Maryland was spotted on the Patriot Fire Facebook page recently

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#1 by LT501 on March 1, 2017 - 5:53 PM
Weren’t all the service trucks on the OLFD, 2-door pickup trucks ? If so, I doubt if the current Squad-1 once served as Service 22, since it is a 4-door unit.
#2 by MABAS 21 on March 1, 2017 - 8:57 PM
Go to and look up Oak Lawn under Cook County South. You’ll find the 4 door Service 20 that is now Squad 1. It was puchased to pull one of the MABAS TRT trailers. The administration installed the black utility cap on the bed, installed stainless steel wheel covers, lettered “Squad 1” and redid the reflective stripe. I listed the wrong number on the previous post as it was Service 20 not 22.
#3 by mike mc on February 28, 2017 - 3:46 PM
Thanks MABAS 21! I miss the old Squad 1. They would show up at box alarms throughout the southwest suburbs. It was a regularly staffed heavy rescue. Very unique. I know the chiefs took heat for it going outside the town limits a lot.
I once made a joke about the current Squad 1 being a converted utility pick-up. I didn’t realize that was exactly what it is.
#4 by mike mc on February 28, 2017 - 10:21 AM
For anyone familiar with Oak Lawn history: Did squad 1 trade in their rescue rig for an engine so they could operate this truck at station 3 instead of Engine 3? I know the truck was not around long before it was replaced by the quint. Could anyone provide more info on this truck and if it’s service had a direct impact on the old squad? thanks in advance
#5 by MABAS 21 on February 28, 2017 - 12:58 PM
mike mc:
The former Truck 3, pictured, was purchased with a federal grant and was spec’ed with no pump or tank with the notion to be run as a truck company with heavy rescue capabilities. When Truck 3 was placed in service, Squad 1 was placed in reserve and Engine 3 ran along with it. Oak Lawn’s current chief came in, cleaned house and got rid of a few apparatus. Squad 1, the Pierce Lance HDR, and a reserve HME/Luvergne engine were sold along with this beautiful well planned out truck. The current Quint 3 was ordered and Engine 5 ran in the truck’s place as Squad 1 still with Engine 3. When the Quint went in service, Squad 1 (Engine 5) and Engine 3 were both reassigned to reserves and Service 22, a Ford pick-up, was redesignated as the current Squad 1.