The Village of Bedford Park will receive sealed proposals for the sale of a 1959 GMC Snorkel Fire Truck. This vehicle is being sold on an “AS IS” condition. The vehicle is not in operating condition. The minimum bid for this vehicle is Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). Prospective purchasers can view the vehicle during normal business hours at the Bedford Park Fire Station #1 located at 6820 South Archer Avenue in Bedford Park, Illinois. Bids will be received from May 23, 2014 to June 6, 2014. Bids shall be delivered to the Bedford Park Fire Department in a sealed marked envelope marked “1959 GMC Snorkel”. The bid must contain the name, address, and phone number of the bidder. Bids will be opened on June 9, 2014, with the awarding of the bid to occur at the Bedford Park Village Board meeting set for June 19, 2014. The successful bidder will be required to submit payment to the Village of Bedford Park within five (5) business days after awarding the sale. The successful bidder shall be required to remove the vehicle from the Bedford Park Fire Station within five (5) business days after payment is tendered to the Village.
The Village President and Board of Trustees reserve the right to reject any and all proposals or parts thereof and to waive any informalities, technicalities and irregularities with respect to the proposals.
By Order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bedford Park, Cook County, Illinois.
Carol Lumpkins
Village Clerk
From Dennis McGuire, Jr:
This was the first snorkel to be built as a fire apparatus and was originally rejected by Chicago FD
#1 by fmddc1 on May 24, 2014 - 7:23 AM
I wouldn’t call it “a worthless piece of crap”, but 5,000 is a little steep. It was probably too costly to restore and that’s why they are getting rid of it. Wouldn’t be a bad project for someone who has access to parts which I’m sure are hard to come by theses day’s or have access to a machine shop and could fabricate parts. Pictures don’t tell the whole story of what it looks like in person, but looking at the pic’s and how long it sat in that yard it doesn’t look all that bad.
#2 by Fartin' Fred on May 24, 2014 - 12:41 AM
$5,000 to start, for a worthless piece of crap?? Are they nuts?
#3 by Tom Foley on May 23, 2014 - 3:06 PM
You might check out this link:
#4 by John on May 23, 2014 - 2:01 PM
Correct. although it looks like one of our originals, it was never a CFD snokel
#5 by Rich on May 23, 2014 - 1:37 PM
I thought they where restoring that truck. Any Pictures