Posts Tagged firemen burn house for training

Prospect Heights FD training

This from Larry Shapiro:

The Prospect Heights Fire District conducted training in a vacant house at 207 South Parkway during the week of June 22nd. I stopped by on Friday, 6/26 to take some photos. Here are a few along with a brief video. More photos are at

portable water tank at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

fire chief on foreground with smoke

Larry Shapiro photo

firefighter silhouette

Larry Shapiro photo

firemen making entry

Larry Shapiro photo

firemen operate hose line

Larry Shapiro photo

live fire training for firemen

Larry Shapiro photo

live fire training for firemen

Larry Shapiro photo

fire engine drafting water from portable tank

Larry Shapiro photo

smoke from attic of house pn fire

Larry Shapiro photo

live fire training for firemen

Larry Shapiro photo

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Fire departments train in vacant house

This from Dennis McGuire, Jr.

The Alsip Fire Department along with the Garden Homes Fire Protection District and the Homewood Acres Fire Protection District had a burn down in Alsip, Illinois at 120th St. and Hamlin Ave.
All of the departments performed numerous small training evolutions in the house before having the final burn down. I arrived towards the end and was able to capture the final wrap up of a month long process.
suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

A Garden Homes FPD captain oversees the garage burn. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

A Homewood Acres engine being used as the primary unit. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Another shot of the Alsip truck covering the house. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Alsip Truck 2014 was used for aerial water coverage.Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

House fully involved. Rocky Golomb photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Homewood Acres firefighters along with an Alsip firefighter work to pull down the remaining walls. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Homewood Acres firefighters are making an attack on the garage. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Nothing is left of the house. The Homewood Acres engine can be seen in the background. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Overall view of the site. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

The aftermath. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

The Homewood Acres FPD chief looks over the remains of the house and garage. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

The house collapsed into the basement. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

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