Posts Tagged fire engine using deck gun

2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 9-8-24

This from Eric Haak:

A still & box was called for around 0715hrs followed by a 2-11 on Sunday morning, September 8th in Chicago’s 19th Battalion. Engine Company 54 deck gunned most of the heavy fire on the second floor. By the time companies led out, the fire had advanced to the third and was blowing out the front of the building. A RAM and several hand lines were used from the exterior to bring the fire under control in quick order. A tower ladder and snorkel were set up but I don’t believe they were ever used.; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11; #EricHaak; #smoke; #flames;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11; #EricHaak; #smoke; #flames;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11; #EricHaak; #Battalionchief;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11; #EricHaak; #FireTruck; #EONE;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11; #EricHaak; #firefighters;

Eric Haak photo

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 6-15-14

Tim Olk took in the 2-11 Alarm fire yesterday at 7613 S. Essex.


firemen at fire scene

Tim Olk photo


fireman uses deck gun on building fire

Tim Olk photo


severallines on fire in Chicago neighborhood

Tim Olk photo


fireman at smokey building fire

Tim Olk photo


firemen at fire scene

Tim Olk photo


chief fire officers in Chicago

Tim Olk photo


dirty fireman after fighting fire

Tim Olk photo


RIT at fire scene in Chicago

Tim Olk photo


fire and smoke through the roof of a building

Tim Olk photo

more photos 


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2013 Chicago Fire Engine Rally & Swap Meet (pt 4)

In addition to the Ahrens Fox, several other units were flowing water at the muster. More images from Steve Redick.

Peotone Fire Protection District

Steve Redick photo

Peotone Fire Protection District

Steve Redick photo

American LaFrance Century Series engine flowing water

Steve Redick photo

Chicago Robert J. Quinn Fire Academy

Steve Redick photo

Peotone Fire Protection District

Steve Redick photo

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