Brief video from the 3-Alarm fire in Maywood, 12-26-25 (more)
And some photos from Tim Olk

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo
Dec 27
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | Comments off
Brief video from the 3-Alarm fire in Maywood, 12-26-25 (more)
And some photos from Tim Olk
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tags: #EONEStrength, 3-Alarm fire in Maywood,,, church fire in Maywood, E-ONE aerial at fire scene, E-ONE fire engine at massive fire, Maywood FD Engine 505, Maywood FD Truck 502, Maywood Fire Department, Spartan, Steve Redick, Tim Olk
Dec 26
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
Photos from Eric Haak of the 3-Alarm fire in Maywood, 12-26-25
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Tags: #EONEStrength, 3-Alarm fire in Maywood, Broadview FD Engine 7,,, church fire in Maywood, E-ONE aerial at fire scene, E-ONE fire engine at massive fire, Eric Haak, Maywood FD Engine 505, Maywood FD Truck 502, Maywood Fire Department, Spartan
Nov 25
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
Buffalo Grove, Arlington Heights, Prospect Heights, Long Grove, Wheeling, Rolling Meadows, and Northbrook firefighters were working at a house fire in Buffalo Grove Thursday morning at 1044 Greenridge Road.
Jimmy Bolf photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #EONEStrength, #larryshapiro, attached garage fire, Buffalo Grove FD Battalion 4, Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department, E-ONE aerial at fire scene, house fire in Buffalo Grove, Jimmy Bolf, Larry Shapiro,,,
Oct 13
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
This from Steve Redick:
820 s 17th Ave 10/12/19 in Maywood
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: E-ONE aerial at fire scene, house destroyed by fire, house fire in Maywood, Maywood FD Engine 506, Maywood FD Engine 507, Maywood Fire Department, Steve Redick
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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