Palatine FD photo

Palatine FD photo

Palatine FD photo
Palatine FD photo
Palatine FD photo
Palatine FD photo
Tags: big brush fire, brush fire in the Deer Grove Forest Preserve, Palatine FD Press Release, Palatine Fire Department
Palatine firefighters responded Wednesday morning to the Deer Grove Forest Preserve for a large brush fire. Most of the Palatine companies were committed for several hours in addition to an engine from Arlington Heights, ATV brush unit from Hoffman Estates, and a Barrington Countryside tanker. Access to attack the growing and traveling flames was difficult as companies had to work largely from business lots off of Rand Road that surround the property. The Forest Preserve District brush units responded as well and handled much of the final mop up after the bulk of the flames were extinguished.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: big brush fire, brush fire in the Deer Grove Forest Preserve, Larry Shapiro, Palatine Fire Department, shapirophotography.net
The Beach Park FD went to a 2nd Alarm for a large prairie fire at the Illinois Beach State Park in Zion Sunday afternoon (4/5/15).
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tags: Beach Park Fire Department, big brush fire, Illinois Beach State Park, smoke and flames from big brush fire, Tim Olk, Wildland Team activated for brush fire at Illinois Beach State Park
Apr 4
Posted by Admin in Brush Fire, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
This from Dennis McGuire, Jr.
Josh Boyajian and I happened to be in Kankakee County taking rig shots when the Pembroke FPD pulled a 3rd Alarm for a brush fire at 2600 South & 13000 East. They had approx. 50 acres going along with several abandoned vehicles, trailers, and mobile homes plus a large amount of tires. Command upgraded to the 4th Alarm then requested a Strike Team from MABAS 37. The area is mostly forest with lots of hills and homes scattered throughout.Dennis McGuire
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tags: 4-Alarm brush fire in Pembroke, big brush fire, car destroyed by brush fire, Chebanse Township Fire Protection District, Dennis McGuire Jr., fire department water tender, Pembroke Fire Protection District
Mar 31
Posted by Admin in Brush Fire, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | 4 Comments
This from Larry Shapiro:
It’s the season for controlled or prescribed burns, so I followed a huge header Tuesday afternoon (3/31/15) to the Busse Woods Forest Preserve where the Cook County FPD Resource Management firefighters were burning in a large field. I walked in and stayed for about 45 minutes as they moved through the area. Here are some images from the burn area of what’s called the Nature Preserve on the north side of the Salt Creek.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
An extensive gallery is at shapirophotography.net
Tags: big brush fire, controlled burn, Cook County Forest Preserve brush fire, Cook County Forest Preserve District, fire scene video, Forest Preserve District of Cook County Resource Management firefighters, Larry Shapiro, prescribed burn in Busse Woods, shapirophotography.net, smoke and flames from big brush fire, video of a prescribed burn, video of firemen working, video of wild land firefighters
May 4
Posted by Admin in Brush Fire, Fire Service Photos | Comments off
This from Sam Borica:
Here are some photos of the unincorporated Grayslake 3rd alarm brush fire that happened in the area of Chardon Rd & Imperial Court on 5/1/13, called for the 2nd alarm at around 2:35 PM and then third alarm on box #34-70 at around 3:05 PM, box was struck out at around 4:05 PM. I couldn’t get the best pictures because LC Sheriff had Chardon Rd blocked off. I also included a photo of Grayslake Fire Station #3 (Although its not the best picture). Photos by me (Sam Borcia).
Tags: Barrington Fire Department, big brush fire, Countryside Fire Protection District, Grayslake Fire Station 3, large grass fire near Grayslake, Sam Borica, smoke and flames from big brush fire, Wauconda Fire Department, Wauconda Fire District
Apr 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Brush Fire, Fire, Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos, Reader submission | Comments off
This from Dylan Konchan:
Frankfort | Box Alarm | S La Grange Rd & W Stuenkel Rd | First companies got on scene reporting multiple buildings were on fire. Fire started from a large brush fire. Command first called for a full still; tenders only, then went to a box alarm right after. Orland, Mokena, Homer, Peotone, Monee, University Park, Beecher, Palos Heights, Tinley Park, New Lenox, and Manteno FD were all on scene.
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
New Lenox FPD ARFF. Dylan Konchan photo
Manteno & Community FPD brush unit. Dylan Konchan photo
Beecher pumper/tanker. Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Tags: Beecher Fire Department, Beecher Fire District, big brush fire, buildings burn in Frankfort, Dylan Konchan, Frankfort Fire Department, Frankfort Fire Protection District, large brush fire in Frankfort, large column of smoke, Manteno Fire Protection District brush truck, New Lenox ARFF unit, New Lenox Fire Protection District, Oshkosh ARFF, pumper/tanker in Beecher, structure fire in Frankfort, X-USAF ARFF
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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