This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-This was the Homewood Fire Dept.’s Engine 532, a 1971 Mack CF611 1250/750. Enjoy and comment.

Mike Summa photo
This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-This was the Homewood Fire Dept.’s Engine 532, a 1971 Mack CF611 1250/750. Enjoy and comment.
Mike Summa photo
Tags: #TBT, 1971 Mack CF fire engine,, Homewood FD Engine 532 - 1971 Mack CF611 1250/750 pumper, Honewood Fire Department history, Mike Summa, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday
This entry was posted on September 5, 2024, 8:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos, Historic fire apparatus, throwbackthursday. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by crabbymilton on September 6, 2024 - 8:55 AM
Nice old MACK. Another thing that we see less and less of are the cast spoke type wheels since about the 1990’s into the early 2000’s. Sure disc wheels have almost all of the advantages but those were still neat.