This from Danny Nelms:
From SST emergency Products LLC FB
Congratulations and a huge thank you to The Lockport Township Fire District . Final Inspection on 89R11. 2022 Seagrave Apollo 105′ Tower. 300 / 2000 GPM
This from Danny Nelms:
From SST emergency Products LLC FB
Congratulations and a huge thank you to The Lockport Township Fire District . Final Inspection on 89R11. 2022 Seagrave Apollo 105′ Tower. 300 / 2000 GPM
Seagrave photo
Tags: #Seagrave; #firetruck; #LockportFPD; #Apollo;,,, New tower ladder for the Lockport FPD, Seagrave Apollo tower ladder 89R11
This entry was posted on February 9, 2022, 11:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Mike on March 10, 2022 - 4:35 PM
Waukegan just ordered their 4th Segrave Engine to be delivered fall of 2023. Including the aerialscope, it will be the 5th seagrave purchased in past 7 years. All of the vehicles have been excellent.
#2 by harry on February 19, 2022 - 12:16 AM
ok fine by me as far as being done with the lockport tower and yes it is a nice rig h i wont doubt that
#3 by Tom W on February 18, 2022 - 11:04 PM
With all due respect, when you can use proper punctuation and grammar, you may gain some respect here! Please keep your thoughts and ideas to yourself until you can do so. Unfortunately, you continually are setting yourself up for failure. As some people might say, silence is the best way to get the respect you deserve! Please take a deep breath, reorganize your thoughts, use spell check, think before you speak and have someone proofread your posts before you post them. AMEN!!!!!
#4 by Rich on February 18, 2022 - 7:45 PM
#5 by Cmk420 on February 18, 2022 - 5:46 PM
Harry–I never said you could not comment on things. I just that you shouldn’t be telling other people to not comment.
I don’t care that you think you know more than I think. If you do, that’s great, but keep it to yourself!! Are you going to knock me for doing this for over seven years (both volunteer & paid)? I think the last part of Tim’s last comment to you says it best.
If you read my last comment to you, you skipped the part where I was trying to pay you a small compliment, but all you focused on was the negatives.
I am done talking about this subject with you because we could drag this on forever. Let’s agree to disagree & move on please!
#6 by harry on February 18, 2022 - 4:37 PM
tim no i have not done what u stated but thats because i have zero interest in that however a lot do it because its a job for some and a calling for others and i think that is great
#7 by harry on February 18, 2022 - 4:32 PM
cmk420 its not your place either but like i have said i know more than u think
#8 by Tim on February 18, 2022 - 4:06 PM
Harrry you don’t have any facts. Don’t comment on something you no nothing about. Just because you talk to people doesn’t mean anything. Ever ride fire apparatus? Ever drive apparatus? Ever pump a fire? Ever pull up to a fire in a tower ladder, with people screaming and you can’t get close because of all the police cars? Ever call the mechanic and tell him you blew the intercooler? Even know what that means? Ever deliver a baby? Ever have a drug overdose vomit on you? Ever get kicked in the balls by a psych patient? Ever work a pin-in? Ever been covered with blood after a guy gets cracked in the head with a baseball bat?
Guess what Harry, there’s tons of guys on this site that has all the above, not just me.
I don’t have all the facts but after 35 years (fulltime) in the fire service I have a few facts.
#9 by Cmk420 on February 18, 2022 - 7:50 AM
Harry–that is enough!!
How did this post about a beautiful looking new tower ladder get turned into a “shouting match” with you?
You are making a real big assumption about all the other users of this page. “Know it all’s????”
I am not going to speak about anyone else but myself. I am not a “Know it all” when it comes to the fire service. In fact, I know very little when compared to some of the others on this page. When I comment on something, it is because I have some background or prior knowledge of it (ie. The situation in Palatine). I am, by no means, an “expert” on any topic nor will I ever claim to be.
If you read on the thread on the recent engine accident in Palatine, there was a recent comment by someone who said that they are keeping the Spartan as a reserve & getting rid of the reserve quint when the new Pierce tower arrives.
Also, don’t be coming on here and telling others to not comment. It is not your place to do that.
#10 by harry on February 17, 2022 - 11:26 PM
tim then dont comment you people all think u are know it alls i have facts that are true
#11 by Tim on February 17, 2022 - 9:20 PM
Harrry give it a rest. Nobody cares anymore.
#12 by harry on February 17, 2022 - 7:10 PM
cmk420 like i said i dont ask these depts what they are buying for instance palatine they have a new tower on order by pierce to replace the spartan i dont know if they are keeping the spartan
#13 by Tyler on February 17, 2022 - 12:31 PM
I believe Streamwood runs a rearmount Seagrave Apollo- Tower 32.
On that note, some manufacturers customize the spec to what the district/department requires to best serve the taxpayers. What E-One might offer one place could be unbeatable by Pierce. It comes down to the apparatus committees and people putting it together- which means admin, city fleet/dept maintenance, and the line personnel all getting on the same page and spec’cing what their own area and taxpayers require of them. Factor in the new mindset of leasing apparatus and “lowest bidder”, might get some things that are better for the available finances.
Bottom line is the Chicagoland area is blessed to be able to generally afford custom fire apparatus and have the ability to pick and choose what brand fits them best. Not one single one of them is overall better than the others, and like any car on the road today that can change by a single model year. Not to mention every piece of apparatus is going to have its own flaws too no matter how good of a company it is you buy from.
#14 by Cmk420 on February 16, 2022 - 6:05 AM
Harry–the reason why you know so much is because you go around asking fleet services people & fire department personnel a lot of questions. I know we have gone back & forth about this topic on this page before; I have my opinions about it, and those are just what they are–my opinions. You know a lot about Franklin Park; that is your given right. You seem to know about what other departments are ordering; you know what? So do I . . . because this website keeps us all informed of that.
Look, as I have said before, I don’t always disagree with what you have to say, but more often than not . . .
If you are not a firefighter, then I applaud you for taking such a keen interest in this profession, but please don’t go around saying you know more than someone who has been doing it for any length of time.
#15 by Danny on February 16, 2022 - 5:24 AM
Harry you can’t claim that what you say is true when you’re just regurgitating things you’ve heard from other people… There is no denying that Pierce has a huge market share in the industry but Pierce is also the company that seems to have more often than not the most visible Problems problems to other fire department members and the public at large who know about the fire service. It’s like the rusting area issue they had or the rigs where wheels were falling off or the rusted frame rail issues. Not saying that every manufacturer doesn’t have their own problems but pierces the one you hear about the most because they sell more Riggs than anybody else
#16 by harry on February 15, 2022 - 11:16 PM
cmk420 thats because i am not wrong about what i say is true
#17 by Cmk420 on February 15, 2022 - 8:00 PM
The point is proven; you contradict everybody’s statements about you. You think you are right about everything & don’t admit when you are wrong.
#18 by harry on February 15, 2022 - 7:39 PM
bulldog u and others can believe what u want but i know more about the fp rigs than likely anyone else and many others too however no i have never worked on a rig but i know more than u think take rosemont for example they have a new pierce tower ladder coming demember 2022 plainfield has a new pierce velocity tower with red aerial coming soon they are also ordering a new sqd engine just to name a few and yet these towns feel the pierce are great
#19 by Rich on February 15, 2022 - 6:06 PM
Lockport is a GREAT DISTRICT!!! They maintain there rigs very very well!!! It’s great to see them move on!! Pierce screwed them and did look back!!!! They where all pierce since the 80s .expect for e one quint
#20 by Bulldog on February 15, 2022 - 5:43 PM
All due respect, I’m not here to argue — just stating your credibility is very low.
1. You argue with everyone on this page.
2. You do not have firsthand experience with fire apparatus.
3. You typically repeat what others have told you. To accurately portray the reliability and quality of fire apparatus, your best bet is to have some sort of hands on experience, not hearing something from other people.
4. It’s abundantly clear, your knowledge is limited.
Like I said, I’m not here to argue with you but I think you might want to consider just observing this page.
Have a wonderful evening, sir.
#21 by harry on February 15, 2022 - 9:52 AM
bulldog yes rigs can have lemons however the only seagrave i saw a lot was franklin pk it was broke a lot and yes switching cheifs makes a differance because now franklin pk has a truck that rarely breaks an eone but however lockports seagrave looks nice and like i said it is highly unlikely that lockports streets are as rough as fp bumpy and i high;y doubt they have rough rr tracks and lockport is likely richer than fp too
#22 by Bulldog on February 15, 2022 - 7:32 AM
There seems to be low credibility with someone who regularly posts on this page. Not picking on this person but always pointing someone in the direction of someone else’s words shows a lack of credibility.
Throughout my years in the fire service, I have noticed a ton of bad mouthing fire apparatus. From one administration to the next, each administrator(s) prefer one brand over another and bad mouths the brands they don’t like. When one department switches brands, it’s not uncommon the reason behind it is a change in administration. Happens all the time. To accurately portray the reliability and quality of fire apparatus, your best bet is to have some sort of hands on experience, not hearing something from other people.
Nevertheless, Seagrave definitely does build superior fire apparatus and the Seagrave dealer in northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin is of the highest quality.
#23 by Zach on February 13, 2022 - 7:07 AM
Nothing to argue about, guys! Seagrave singlehandedly builds the highest quality, longest lasting, and most durable apparatus in the market! FDNY, Louisville, and Camden NJ are true testaments to this!
The Chicagoland Seagrave dealer is also the best of the best!
#24 by harry on February 12, 2022 - 10:58 PM
yes waukegan has a seagrave aerialscope
#25 by Chicagoland fire photos on February 12, 2022 - 7:08 PM
I saw someone talking about AerialScopes and I was wondering are there any in Illinois I have never seen one personally but I’m just wondering
#26 by harry on February 12, 2022 - 8:43 AM
well u should talk u bash pierce and thats not 100 percent true because theres more good than bad and 2 u cant even spell my name right you can think what u want because if u would say call waukesha wi and talk to the asst fire cheif joe he would tell u the pierces are good you could also call rosemont and ask fleet maint when the new pierce ladder is coming u could also ask them what issues the eoones have they will tell u there junk thats why they are buying another pierce very soon and look palatine must be having luck with the 2 pierces but one last thing if u cant be nice then dont comment
#27 by Mike C on February 12, 2022 - 8:19 AM
Hairy always has to be argumentative. So old, and coincidentally, he’s just an enthusiast that seems to think he knows it all when he knows very little. Go away, kid! You’re poisoning this page!
#28 by cmk420 on February 11, 2022 - 3:57 PM
Harry–For Pete’s sake!!
Everybody on this page is going to have their own opinion on their favorite apparatus manufacturer is, and who does a poor/substandard job. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I have not been to Lockport, so I don’t know what their streets are like, but what I do know is this is Illinois and, more specifically, the Chicagoland area. There is not one city or town, that I have been to, that has “perfect” streets. Yes, some are better than others, but nothing is “perfect.”
You come on here, and it seems that you act like you know everything about everything because you talk to people, and that is all well & good. Let’s just remember that there are many people on here with many different opinions, as you mentioned.
As far as the new tower ladder goes, I think it looks awesome & very functional.
#29 by harry on February 11, 2022 - 10:05 AM
tim i have been in many towns and cities and yes i have been thought many parts of loctport there streets are perfect compared to fp and as for the rr tracks here in fp i would be surprised if another town has worse than we do
mike c when u stop your pierce non sense because lets face it i know a lot that have very good luck with current pierces like elmhurst niiles skokie pk ridge waukesha wi wauwatosa wi lombard villa pk just to name a few
and ps mike c but waukesha has had corrosion issues on the eones thats why they went pierce and and there oldest frontline rig is a 2017 pierce quantum they have a 17 18 19 20 21 frontline with no issues and 2 2008 pierces in reserve and still no problems remember all manufactors have issues
#30 by Tim on February 11, 2022 - 9:13 AM
Hairy every time you make a comment it’s speculative. You’re sure Lockport doesn’t have bad streets? Franklin park is about 5 square miles. Lockport’s fire district is almost 50 square miles. Come out south we’ll find you some bad roads in Lockports fire district. It’s not what I think it’s actual numbers.
#31 by Mike C on February 11, 2022 - 6:13 AM
Hairy – When are you going to do all of us a favor and stop your nonsense on this page?
This is a beautiful truck!
#32 by harry on February 10, 2022 - 10:48 PM
well tim you can think what you want but i do know about fp for sure that rig was a niightmare noow on the other hand lockports may be a great rig and i hope it is great to that
#33 by Tim on February 10, 2022 - 8:04 PM
Lockport doesn’t have many bad roads or RR tracks? You guys that haven’t been south of I-88 have no idea what you’re talking about. Not sure what RR tracks have to do with anything. Not sure what Franklin Parks rig has anything to do with Lockport’s either. Hairy, you think that bad RR tracks is the demise of a $$$$ piece of fire equipment? I don’t think so. What seems to be happening is people get confused between “Lockport” and Lockport fire’s coverage area. Not the same.
As discussed here hundred’s of times, each dept. does what they do. Lockport may never by another Pierce. Orland will never by another E-one. Lemont loved Ferrara now they by only Rosenbauer.
#34 by Hunter on February 10, 2022 - 7:44 PM
Harry, Lockport doesn’t have much bad roads or RR tracks. I can’t wait see around town
#35 by Michael m on February 10, 2022 - 7:22 PM
Nice looking truck!
#36 by Mike L on February 10, 2022 - 7:02 PM
Harry, you continue to amaze and perplex us with the words you write.
#37 by harry on February 10, 2022 - 10:12 AM
well time will tell if it iholds up i am sure they dont have bad streets there and rough rr tracks so that should help franklin parks did not fair great but that was 2005 and it only lasted just shy of 13 years
#38 by crabbymilton on February 10, 2022 - 6:05 AM
Beautiful! Who says you need aluminum? They can use all of the old beer can for the F150. 🙂
#39 by Bill Post on February 10, 2022 - 5:31 AM
It is very interesting to see another local fire department purchasing Seagrave rig especially a rearmounted Apollo Tower Ladder which Seagrave had issues with in the beginning and it seems that by far the most popular Seagrave Aerial Platform is their Aerialscope.
The Waukegan fire department also deserves alot of credit for remaining as a Seagrave customer and purchasing an 95 foot Aerialscope as well. It looks like both Lockport and Waukegan are putting their money where there mouth is.
The performance of the new Lockport Tower Ladder can be a real icebreaker because if that rig proves itself and doesn’t develop any issues such as some of the Pierces it just might mean that there may be more Seagrave customers in the area in the future.
#40 by Mike hellmuth on February 9, 2022 - 10:06 PM
Nice to see another Seagrave coming to the area…….