Archive for February 23rd, 2022

Des Plaines Fire Department news

Excerpts from the

The Des Plaines Fire Department has begun the process of hiring 10 new firefighter/paramedics to bring up-to-date its staffing levels.

To do that, the department will implement a new physical ability test for candidates that’s deemed fairer than the previous exam, addresses potential legal challenges, and possibly open the door for more women to join the force. The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), is used by nearly every suburban fire department. It’s a nationally accepted exam of a candidate’s physical ability to perform job tasks related to firefighting and it’s a certified test unlike the one previously used by the city.

The physical ability test, for example, takes into account pulling a hose by hand that’s filled with water and climbing a ladder with a hose. In some instances, females may not be able to perform the same physical exercises men do, but are otherwise qualified. The CPAT test is designed to make the exam fairer for every applicant no matter their gender and to remove any charges of discrimination. If it’s determined that the new test is not working satisfactorily it can always return to the former test as long as it becomes certified.

The deadline to become a Des Plaines firefighter/paramedic is March 17. Other exams such as written and psychological tests will be given to candidates. Those accepted by the Des Plaines Police & Fire Board of Commissioners are placed on an eligibility list with their test results. When the department wants to hire someone they choose from that list, which is good for two years.

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Working fire in Chicago, 2-21-22

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

Made it to a scrap yard fire Monday at 4430 W 14th Street. Engine 103 was first in as they were on a COQ at 38’s house while 38 was at a fire in the 1400 blk of Avers. Engine 113 went in-line pumping to feed 103 and Squad 1 to get a knock on this pile of scrap. Companies on the Still were Engines 103 & 113, Trucks 19 & 26, Squad 1, Battalion 18, & 2-2-4.; #Chi-TownFirePhotos, #Chicago Fire Department; #CFD; #firescene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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New squad for York Center FPD

From York Center Fire Protection District @YorkCenterFPDOfficial 

Sneak peek! The new Squad 77 is almost complete. Several members of the apparatus committee traveled to the Pierce faculty in Wisconsin for an inspection of the new vehicle.

new York Center FPD Squad 77

York Center FPD photo

thanks Tim

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Springfield Fire Department news

Excerpts from

After months of back and forth, the Springfield Fire Department will be hiring 18 firefighters this year and could hire another 18 shortly after.

The department is already dealing with low staffing, down enough firefighters to fill two houses. Several large classes of firefighters hired in the late 90s and early 2000s are becoming eligible to retire, and that means now is the time to get ahead of it, hiring another class of firefighters soon after this one.

The department says hiring shouldn’t be difficult because they already have a list of recruits, several of which have backgrounds in EMS. These hires are expected to eventually help bring down the overtime hours. It can take ten months to train firefighters before they can help offset those numbers.

The department typically sees between 10 and 12 retirements each year.

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