From the Foster Coach Sales Facebook page:
Brand new custom Horton conversion on a Ford F550 chassis.

Foster Coach Sales photo

Foster Coach Sales photo

Foster Coach Sales photo

Foster Coach Sales photo

Foster Coach Sales photo
From the Foster Coach Sales Facebook page:
Brand new custom Horton conversion on a Ford F550 chassis.
Foster Coach Sales photo
Foster Coach Sales photo
Foster Coach Sales photo
Foster Coach Sales photo
Foster Coach Sales photo
Tags: ambulance photos, chevron striping on rear of ambulance, Foster Coach Sales, Mundelein FIre Department, new ambulance for Mundelein, Stryker Power-LOAD
This entry was posted on December 8, 2019, 3:30 PM and is filed under Ambulance photos, Fire Department News, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by ttguy on December 10, 2019 - 8:38 AM
The lights are in fact warning lights but can also be programmed for brake and turn signal override functions. Typically the lights are R/A/R/A/R each side.
#2 by Marty Coyne on December 9, 2019 - 5:13 PM
harry, no they are flashing lights with many optional patterns.
#3 by harry on December 9, 2019 - 3:17 PM
I believe these lights on the rear of this ambo at least on rosemonts I think they are all breaklights if I remember correct
#4 by Marty Coyne on December 9, 2019 - 1:15 PM
Those rear lights seem counter to the idea of the chevrons which is passive visibility while reducing the already very brightly lit apparatus.
#5 by Austin on December 9, 2019 - 10:45 AM
Thanks guys for the answer! Wayne, I’ll check that out, thanks.
#6 by harry on December 8, 2019 - 11:57 PM
Austin the lights on the rear striping those should be flashing lights I know Rosemont il newest ambo has those and they do flash
#7 by Wayne on December 8, 2019 - 9:43 PM
Those are LED lights. Horton has offered them for a while I just haven’t really seen them on any rigs around here. They’re usually capable of yellow and red I believe. Horton has videos online showing them in operation if you’re interested.
#8 by Austin on December 8, 2019 - 6:42 PM
Interesting paint scheme, I kind of like it. Also those (what looks like led lights) on the chevrons is also kind of neat.