Archive for August 7th, 2018

Normal Fire Department news

Excerpts from the

The Normal Fire Department has been awarded an Assistance to Firefighters Grant to help fund an annual firefighter physical fitness and wellness program.  The money, totaling around $76,000, will be used to fund annual health evaluations and occupational health screenings such as lung testing, auditory testing, advanced echo cardiograms, chest x-rays and cancer screenings.

The results of these screenings remain confidential, but they will allow the department to tailor fitness and wellness initiatives for its members. In addition, the department physical fitness program will introduce a peer-supported fitness model where firefighters will work with their crews to meet fitness goals and also will include group physical training by local physical trainers and health agencies.

Fire Chief Mick Humer said “Over the span of three years, we experienced the loss of three of our active members, and two of those deaths were attributed directly to undiagnosed cardiac problems. In 2016, we had a seemingly healthy member have a near-death experience from a cardiac emergency and has since retired as a result.” 

Matt Hill, president of the union, said, “It’s very important for our firefighters to recognize how important their health is to themselves and the citizens that depend on us. I’m very pleased that the town of Normal, fire administration, and Local 2442 are working together to make wellness and fitness a top priority.”

Of the grant total, NFD will contribute 10 percent of the program, or around $6,900, with the grant covering the remaining amount of around $69,000.

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Palatine Fire Department news

updated photos of the current ambulance fleet for the Palatine Fire Department

A81: 2014 IH TerraStar / Braun Type I

A82: 2016 IH TerraStar / Braun Type I

A83: 2018 Ford F-550 4×4 / Braun Type I

A84: 2018 Ford F-550 4×4 / Braun Type I

Palatine FD Ambulance 81

Palatine FD photo

Palatine FD Ambulance 82

Palatine FD photo

Palatine FD Ambulance 83

Palatine FD photo

Palatine FD Ambulance 84

Palatine FD photo

thanks Doug

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New heavy rescue for Champaign (more)

completed photos from the Ferrara website of the new heavy rescue for Champaign

Champaign FD Squad 171

Ferrara Fire Apparatus photo

Champaign FD Squad 171

Ferrara Fire Apparatus photo

Champaign FD Squad 171

Ferrara Fire Apparatus photo

Champaign FD Squad 171

Ferrara Fire Apparatus photo

Champaign FD Squad 171

Ferrara Fire Apparatus photo

Champaign FD Squad 171

Ferrara Fire Apparatus photo

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McHenry Township FPD news

Excerpts from the

At 5:10 p.m. on Saturday (8/4/18), the McHenry Township Fire Protection District was dispatched to the 400 block of North Mineral Spring Drive after a report that there was an explosion inside a garage. The home is on a dead-end street in unincorporated McHenry with no fire hydrants.

Firefighters spent 30 minutes battling a fire that engulfed the garage and were able to stop it before spreading to the house. The garage was declared a total loss. The cause of the explosion – so powerful that it blew one of the walls a foot away from the base of the garage – still is under investigation.

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