This from Wayne Stuart for #TBT:
The Gary Fire Department operated this 1968 Mack C85FAD model aerial. It carried serial #1429 had a 100′ Maxim ladder and a 200 gallon booster tank. It ran as TRUCK Co. 5 originally and then as TRUCK Co’s 2 and 8.
wayne stuart photo

The Gary Fire Department operated this 1968 Mack C85FAD model aerial. It carried serial #1429 had a 100′ Maxim ladder and a 200 gallon booster tank. It ran as TRUCK Co. 5 originally and then as TRUCK Co’s 2 and 8.
wayne stuart photo
#1 by G.F.D. #643 Class of 5-85 on June 2, 2018 - 8:28 AM
Wayne Thanks for the memories! When we had this truck as the second piece on the squad it was Chief Perry’s idea to have two Truck Companies on the scene of a Still Alarm. This truck had a Manual 4-speed Transmission and NO Power assisted steering, it was a challenge to drive!!
#2 by Rob on June 1, 2018 - 9:36 AM
Nice pic Wayne! I remember running this as the back half of a 2-piece Squad co for about 6 months sometime in the early 90’s. Worst part of this rig was making that quick, hard right then left out of old 2’s to go eastbound on 19th Ave. It was so much better when they tore down the houses across the street and we could go straight through the yard.
#3 by CrabbyMilton on May 31, 2018 - 11:47 AM
That must have been one of the last MACK C’s built since I recall the first CF’s came out in 1968.
Very sharp looking and I’m not much of a MACK fan.