Archive for June 15th, 2014

Glenview dispatch to take over other towns

From the Village of Glenview Report:

The Village of Glenview entered into seven-year intergovernmental agreements with the cities of Highland Park and Lake Forest and the Village of Lake Bluff to provide public safety dispatch services to begin by September 1, 2014.

Glenview will operate two dispatch centers, with the primary center at the Glenview Police Department and the secondary center at the Highland Park Police Department, with full redundancy between the two centers. To facilitate the dispatch services, the 2014 budget was amended by $2.298 million, which will be offset by revenues from the dispatch services agreements. Agreements were authorized for capital improvements to consolidate and service the new  dispatch customers.

The City of Highwood is also considering entering into an intergovernmental agreement with Glenview for public safety dispatch services.


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Smeal buys LTI and Snorkel (more)

New trademark for the Ladder Tower Company by Smeal

New trademark for the Ladder Tower Company by Smeal









Shortly after Smeal completed the purchase for the assets of LTI and Snorkel, they reopened the longtime LTI facility in Ephrata, PA and posted new signage. They have created a new name for the subsidiary; Ladder Tower Company.

A new Facebook page has gone live and depicts the logo for the new company.

The Ephrata facility reopened under the Smeal name. Smeal photo

The Ephrata facility reopened under the Smeal name. Smeal photo

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Chicago Fire Engine Rally and Swap Meet

Images and video from the 2014 Chicago Fire Engine Rally and Swap Meet sponsored by 5-11 Club of Chicago and the Fire Buffs of Illinois.

fire trucks on display

Larry Shapiro photo

Ward LaFrance fire engine from Backdraft

Larry Shapiro photo

Pirsch tractor-drawn aerial

Larry Shapiro photo

Chicago medical ambulance bus

Larry Shapiro photo

Chicago medical ambulance bus

Larry Shapiro photo

young boy helps with fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

antique American laFrance fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

antique fire departmetn squad truck

Larry Shapiro photo

1923 Ahrens Fox fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

1923 Ahrens Fox fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

1923 Ahrens Fox fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

antique American laFrance fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

Chicago medical ambulance bus

Steve Redick photo

American LaFrance fire engine

Steve Redick photo

antique fire engine

Steve Redick photo

American LaFrance fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Ward LaFrance fire engine from Backdraft

Steve Redick photo

antique fire chief car

Steve Redick photo

Pirsch Tractor-drawn aerial

Steve Redick photo

more images are at

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