Daniel Möller from Obernkirchen, Germany is a model builder and has built several replicas of units from our area.

Here are a few of his models

ambulance model made by hand

Arlington Heights ambulance model. Daniel Möller model builder

ambulance model made by hand

Big Rock ambulance model. Daniel Möller model builder

ambulance model made by hand

Elk Grove Township ambulance model. Daniel Möller model builder

fire truck model made by hand

Elk Grove Township engine model. Daniel Möller model builder

fire truck model made by hand

Schaumburg FD E-ONE truck model. Daniel Möller model builder

fire truck model made by hand

Schaumburg FD E-ONE engine model. Daniel Möller model builder

pickup truck model

Schaumburg FD pickup truck model. Daniel Möller model builder

fire truck model made by hand

Schaumburg FD Pierce engine model. Daniel Möller model builder

This link will take you to a forum with more images of these models

He is currently beginning a project to build a replica of the Hinsdale Spartan/Rosenbauer America/Metz tower ladder.