This from Larry Shapiro:
The Cicero Fire Department has placed an order with Pierce for a Dash PUC engine that is expected in February. It will replace Engine 3, a 1999 Pierce Saber.

Cicero Engine 3 has been placed into reserve status and will be replaced by a new engine that has been ordered. Larry Shapiro photo
Cicero also has a relatively new command buggy in service as F12.

The Cicero Shift Commander F12 is in this 2010 Chevy Tahoe. Larry Shapiro photo
Metro Paramedic Services, part of Superior Ambulance, who provides EMS for Cicero has placed a new ambulance at the headquarters station. It was built by Demers Ambulances (a Canadian builder) in 2012 on a 2011 Mercedes Benz Sprinter chassis. The new F10 is expected to be placed in service shortly.

New 2012 Type II ambulance for Cicero F10 by Demers Ambulances on a 2011 Sprinter chassis. Larry Shapiro photo

Rear view with full chevron striping for Cicero F10. Larry Shapiro photo

Passenger side of new Sprinter Ambulance F10 with large sliding door. Larry Shapiro photo

Manufacturer’s law tag.

Daimler AG law tag.

Interior of the patient treatment and transport area. Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by Mike on August 11, 2013 - 8:15 PM
apparently the Sprinter ambulance is supposed to be one of the safest in terms of crash protection for its occupants. They say much safer than Type 1 or 3.
#2 by chris r on August 11, 2013 - 5:49 PM
There must be something to them . That’s the type of ambulance used overseas , countries enland , france and spain , everytime you see the news from overseas . There is that type of ambulance in the background
#3 by chris r on August 11, 2013 - 10:46 AM
I don’t think they look ugly , too small in the back. It looks like there is only room for one attendant in back and the patient . Where would a third person sit in back , no legroom .
#4 by Tom Foley on August 11, 2013 - 6:37 AM
How do those sprinters do on gas mileage compared to many of the ambulances on Ford chassis?
With the number of EMS calls by departments, if there is significant gas mileage savings, departments should consider these and use the savings to fill manpower issues.
I dont like the looks of them as much as what we know to be a typical ambulance, but departments should make concessions on aesthetics if it means they can use the money for more beneficial things like manpower shortages.
#5 by Bob on August 10, 2013 - 12:37 PM
Yeah that ambulance looks like it belongs at the kiddie table during Thanksgiving dinner
#6 by cfd069 on August 10, 2013 - 10:34 AM
Cicero runs 3 on every engine company and on both truck companies. When day off is low, Engine 2 will run 4 men, Truck 2 with 4, Engine 1 with 4 and Tower Ladder 1 with 4, this mostly occurs in the fall, winter and spring months. PSI was the ambulance provider, but Metro outbid them, Metro bought the Taylor made ambulances from Cicero and now owns them. Engine 3 always runs with 3 men. Heads up Cicero will be testing very shortly and this would be a good list to be on, many positions coming up. Cicero fleet consists of 2 E-one engines, 1 Pierce, 1 Seagrave engine. 2 E-One truck companies and 1 Seagrave truck company. New Pierce Dash PUC should arrive Feb 2014, for Engine 3. Stop by and visit with your camera and say hello and get the nickel tour. They are still a busy department.
#7 by Josh Boyajian on August 10, 2013 - 2:52 AM
At Tom and Sebastian
Cicero Runs with 3 guys on every fire company, 3 on each engine and 3 on both trucks. And yes. Cicero has has a mix of apparatus. Went from Seagrave to a Pierce Engine to E-One and now the new Pierce Dash Engine.
#8 by Martin Nowak on August 10, 2013 - 12:15 AM
I agree with Dylan
#9 by Drew Smith on August 9, 2013 - 11:27 PM
I believe it was Metro (Superior) that serviced Cicero. PSI had served Berwyn until a few years ago when BFD itself took over staffing its ambulances.
#10 by Wayne on August 9, 2013 - 10:54 PM
Those Sprinters are actually a lot better than one would think. A little more room in back (width wise, a 6’0″ person can stand straight up with a little room to spare) would be nice, but for the majority of EMS calls they work just fine. They also have a very nice ride, they’re fast, and if you maintain them well supposedly they last a LONG time. The Demers units also light up like a Christmas Tree at night.
#11 by Dylan on August 9, 2013 - 9:19 PM
What a ugly ambulance.
#12 by Matthew G on August 9, 2013 - 8:13 PM
What happened to PSI providing EMS to Cicero and the Ford and Chevy/Taylormade ambulances? I thought Cicero owned those ambulances.
#13 by Tom on August 9, 2013 - 7:31 PM
How many FF’s on an Engine & Truck nowadays in Cicero? I thought they used to have min 4 on every piece of engine/truck.
#14 by Sebastian on August 9, 2013 - 7:00 PM
Doesn’t cicero have a mixed bag of apparatus
From seagrave, e-one and pierce?? Just curious
#15 by Kevin Griffin on August 9, 2013 - 6:03 PM
I’m surprised that it is not going to be an E-One
#16 by ff24/7 on August 9, 2013 - 5:01 PM
There new engine is a Dash CF, theres also another Chicago area department in the south suburbs that are doing specs on possibly ordering a new Dash CF, once it is finalized I will say who it is, but don’t wanna give false info if it doesn’t happen
#17 by Josh Boyajian on August 9, 2013 - 3:10 PM
Around my hood. Nice shots Larry. Cicero’s New engine will have a short wheelbase and low hosebed.
#18 by Robert on August 9, 2013 - 2:57 PM
Great photo’s Larry. I dont lnow why, but I dont like van ambulances. Maybe because I started off driving a van ambulance for a private company. At the time we had a 2008 I believe. It was in the shops all the time that we ran a 2005 ford on its place. They replaced the 2008 in 2010 with a brand new one and that thing ran a lot better than the 2008 one but had its only set of issues. If theres anything nice I would say, they are tall and you wouldn’t hit your head as much.