From Steve Redick:
Since it seems I’ll never see a fire again as they have been virtually eliminated here in Chicago I got sentimental and wanted to share some classic old images I came across….
- The first is a rare shot of a smoke ejector working .. this is way before the recent rebuilds … you can see the smoke issuing from the top of the unit where the fan discharge is …
- Next one is squad 2 … (not FMS 2) but they were reusing the old squad rigs when we had a squad in each district and they only had a few of the Ford Welch units
- A shot of truck 25 setting up a ladder pipe … can’t recall the location but I seem to remember it being a Chinese restaurant of some kind
- Niles Truck 440 … this was in the 6300 block of Touhy, and ironically enough I took this photo standing on the front lawn of the house I would eventually buy …
- Elk Grove Village, classic tiller .. gotta love a Mack Pirsch anything!!
- Niles, IL buggy … I always liked the two Borealis lights, but these were the newer model, not the old classics we are all thinking of … cool none the less
- Not sure if I took this last one .. (might be Gordon Nord’s photo) … old Brookfield Seagrave engine

CFD smoke ejector 9-2-2. Steve Redick photo

Former CFD Squad 2 was previously a Flying Manpower Squad. Steve Redick photo

Setting up the ladder pipe on CFD Truck 25. Steve Redick photo

Niles Truck 440, a custom Pirsch 100′ tractor-drawn aerial. Steve Redick photo

Elk Grove’s Pirsch TDA with a Mack CF tractor. Steve Redick photo

Old Niles Ford Bronco. Steve Redick photo

Seagrave engine from Brookfield FD. Steve Redick collection
#1 by Michael Bolling on July 14, 2013 - 3:38 PM
Truck 22 was at a 2-11 on Broadway just south of Sherridan Rd in Little Korea
#2 by FFPM571 on June 28, 2013 - 11:53 AM
That lightbar on Niles was actually a dual skybolt not a Borealis. I know where that bar is today.
#3 by Mike Mc on June 28, 2013 - 10:06 AM
Great photos. Thanks. That Niles tiller was a thing of beauty. Tillers always look sharper when the cab matches the ladder manufacturer. The double borealis buggy was certainly unique. Mars should have used it in their advertising.
Is the current Brookfield firehouse at the same site as the old one? You can see the park in the background.
Thanks again.