CBS TV does an expose on Chicago Fire Department ambulance fleet
thanks Chris
Jun 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Service News | 13 Comments
CBS TV does an expose on Chicago Fire Department ambulance fleet
thanks Chris
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, condition of CFD ambulance fleet, maintanence of Chicago ambulance fleet questioned by media
Jun 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Service News | Comments off
The Daily Herald has an article about Rolling Meadows firefighters spending time to comfort a young burn victim.
Rolling Meadows firefighter Rick Acosta made a return visit to La Rabida Children’s Hospital in Chicago last month, only to find a refreshing sight: an iPad charging next to a young patient’s bed.
It reassured Acosta that 8-year-old Adorian Fentry of Rolling Meadows was using the gift that he and members of Rolling Meadows Firefighters Local 3075 had purchased for him after coming to his rescue in March.
That’s when they responded to a 911 call after Adorian had sat on a cocktail table in his home’s living room, knocking over a candle and setting his clothes on fire.
Adorian suffered second- and third-degree burns over 35 percent of his body that required extensive treatment and rehabilitation at La Rabida, located on Chicago’s South Side.
When Acosta and the other firefighters found out that his intensive therapy would prevent Adorian from seeing his family and classmates except on the weekends, they pitched in to purchase two iPads.
They were hoping the dual-facing cameras on the iPads would allow Adorian to video chat with his family members, teachers and schoolmates, using FaceTime and Skype.
“Most traumatic emergency medical calls usually involve some sort of follow-up. However, when we have children in emergency trauma situations, it takes everyone to a new level,” Acosta said. “Our union Local 3075 members wanted to help this family and without hesitation, donated money out of their own pockets.
“We added a donation from our fire chief as well to purchase the iPads,” Acosta added. “Our main goal was to put a smile on Adorian’s face, and I think we did that.”
In all, eight of the Rolling Meadows firefighters traveled to La Rabida in May to surprise Adorian with their gifts. Included in the group were four of the firefighter/paramedics who had responded to the 911 call at his home back in March.
“His eyes lit up when he saw us walk in, and got even bigger when we gave him the iPads,” says Colin Barr, one of the firefighters.
Just seeing his excitement was satisfying for the firefighters, but then Adorian got out of his wheelchair to shake their hands and thank them.
“Those of us who were on the call that night were overwhelmed by his bravery, when he remained calm throughout,” Barr added. “After visiting with him, we were again struck by his bravery and determination — and, of course, his manners.”
The entire article is HERE.
thanks Chris
Tags: 8-year-old Adorian Fentry of Rolling Meadows, La Rabida Children's Hospital, Rolling Meadows Fire Department, Rolling Meadows firefighter Rick Acosta, Rolling Meadows firefighters help young burn victim, Rolling Meadows Firefighters Local 3075
Jun 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
Pierce posted a composite of a new Velocity PUC engine for the Little Rock Fox Fire Protection District (so #26450)
New Pierce Velocity PUC engine for the Little Rock-Fox FPD. Pierce composite
thanks Al and Martin
Tags: Little Rock-Fox Fire Protection District, new fire engine for Little Rock - Fox FPD, Pierce Velocity PUC
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