This from Scott Peterson:
Came upon this accident a few minutes after it happened yesterday. This happened on Randall Rd in front of the Biaggi’s Resturant.
Very little info on the accident, but it appears the driver was going northbound, crossed over into the southbound lanes approx 2 blocks before the crash, hit a lightpole, a tree, then into the large resturant sign. Driver was trapped, extrication took about 20mins. Flight-for-life was requested but unavaiable do to the weather conditions.Algonquin had Eng 142,141, Amb 142 & 141, Shift Command 130.Nice job by the crews!

Scott Peterson photo

Scott Peterson photo

Scott Peterson photo

Scott Peterson photo

Scott Peterson photo

Scott Peterson photo

Scott Peterson photo

Scott Peterson photo
#1 by imola on January 25, 2013 - 12:07 PM
Does anyone know what happened to her? I was there trying to help her before all the help arrived. I can’t stop thinking about her well being.
#2 by Elizabeth A Mohr on December 19, 2016 - 9:57 AM
This was my accident. By the grace of God I’m still alive