This from Steve Knogl:
I was at the wonton fire in des plaines on New Years eve.
There were ambulances from Rosemont, Elk Grove Township, and 2 from Des Plaines. Three ladder trucks (des plaines 61 and 63, and prospect heights). Only 63 deployed their ladder. Elk Grove Township sent a pumperI think. Des Plaines had pumpers 61 and 63. Des Plaines and Mt Prospect sent a battalion chief.
Wind blew the initial smoke south into the intersection of oakton and elmhurst road. very dense, couldnt see thru it. By the time the fire department showed up, the smoke was starting to dissipate at the intersection. I was just exiting I-90 at elmhurst road heading north when the fire began.
Squad cars from Des Plaines, Rosemont, and Mt Prospect were there but took a while to show up and block off traffic. I think there were over 10 police cars eventually showed up.
Keep up the good work!

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo

Steve Knogl photo