Posts Tagged Mack Bulldog fire engine

Vintage CFD Fire Photos

More from Steve Redick:

Thanks to Bill Friedrich for sharing these…

A water tower buried in ice and debris at the Hubbard St fire

A great shot of squad 4 at 83’s house on Gunnison … building still stands

An extra alarm that I think may have been around Cermak and Western 4/7/57

This stuff is cool!!

fire scene covered with ice

Chicago Fire Department Squad 4

historic Lincoln Building fire in CHicago 1957



A coupla more from Bill Friedrich
8/1/58  4-11 4100 S Racine Swift & Company  A nice shot of an FWD truck, Autocar Squad and a really nice looking Caddy Ambo
Can’t really find any info on the one labeled Catholic Storage Bureau…maybe on South Chicago Ave??  2 snorkels can be seen working if you look closely
Cool Stuff For Sure!!
historic Chicago fire photo Swift & Company
historic Chicago fire photo Catholic Salvage Bureau

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Vintage CFD Fire Photos

This from Steve Redick:

3 photos … sent by Bill Friedrich from his archive. 54 E Hubbard,  January 1958.  A Mack Bulldog pressure wagon at work
A nice shot of 109’s old joint back in the horse drawn era … amazed at how big the house looks. When you see it today it seems kinda old and small…at least to me.
A 3-11 at about 61 and Dorchester … no real particulars other than that. did ya notice the pompier ladder on the side of what I think is an FWD truck? I bet the truck with its aerial up was horsedrawn at one time judging by the rickety look to the rear end.
Feel free to add any thoughts or info..
Hubbard Street fire 1958 historic Chicago fire photo
Chicago Fire Station horse-drawn steamer circa 1920
historic fire in Chicago during 1957 at 61st and Dorchester 3-11 alarm fire

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