This from Jeff Rudolph:

We picked it up Tuesday morning. Skokie E-17, 2013 Pierce Dash CF on a PUC body ( first delivered to Illinois) 1500/500. It’s uniqueness is the rear hosebed. Trying to get the shoulder loads as low as possible we designed slide-out trays below the hosebed to hold the 1 3/4″ and 2 1/2″ shoulder loads, a first for Pierce. Should be in service in about a month, will get you a nice shot in the spring. Jeff Rudolph.


Pierce Dash CF PUC for Skokie FD

New unit for Skokie Engine 17. 2013 Pierce Dash CF PUC 1500/500. Jeff Rudolph photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC for Skokie FD

Rear view of Skokie’s new Engine 17 showing the low hose bed and slide-out trays for hotel packs. Jeff Rudolph photo

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