This from Tim Olk:

Chicago Fire Department Still and Box Alarm train derailment with an EMS Plan 1 at 46th and Prairie

Chicago Firefighters remove civilians from an elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

Chicago Firefighters remove civilians from an elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

CTA elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

Chicago Firefighters remove civilians from an elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

Chicago Firefighters remove civilians from an elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

Chicago Firefighters remove civilians from an elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

Chicago Firefighters remove civilians from an elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

CTA elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD paramedics at a train derailment

Tim Olk photo

CTA elevated train derailment

Tim Olk photo

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