Posts Tagged Chicago FD Engine 116

Still and Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 12-22-24

From Chi-Town Fire Photos:

This is from a Still & Box Alarm @ 5213 S Bishop on 12/22/24. Fire was in a vacant, boarded up 2.5-sty wood-frame. Engine 116 had heavy fire from the basement on arrival. A couple minutes in, Battalion 6 stated they were hitting it from the exterior of the building and they were having access problems. Shortly thereafter, Batt 6 pulled the box. They set up Tower 39 in the front of the building, and then set up Squad 5 Snorkel on the D side of the fire building in a vacant lot. Engine 116 had a bad hydrant, making Engine 123 go in-line with Engine 49 to feed them. Engine 50 also was led out with a 2.5” line in the rear, and was also feeding the snorkel.; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #night; #firefighters; #smoke;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #night; #firefighters; #smoke;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55; #Cobra;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55; #Cobra;

Chi-Town Fire Photos


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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago with a Mayday alert, 2-4-23 (more)

This from Eric Haak:

Here are a few images from yesterday’s Still & Box with a Mayday Alert and EMS Plan I at 5539 S. Damen Avenue. One firefighter was transported in fair condition after the fire flashed through the front door. The building was a total loss.; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #smoke; #fire; #2-11; #rosenbaueramerica; #ChicagoFDSquad5A; #FireTruck;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #smoke; #fire; #2-11;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #smoke; #fire; #2-11; #EONEStrength; #ChicagoTL39; #FireTruck;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #smoke; #fire; #2-11; #rosenbaueramerica; #ChicagoFDSquad5A; #FireTruck;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #smoke; #fire; #2-11; #EONEStrength; #ChicagoE116; #FireTruck; #Cyclone;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #smoke; #fire; #2-11; #firefighters;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #smoke; #fire; #2-11; #rosenbaueramerica; #ChicagoFDSquad5A; #FireTruck;

Eric Haak photo

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Working fire in Chicago, 12-20-22

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos;

Chicago’s 6th Battalion had a basement fire at 1515 W 55th Street Tuesday night. Companies were faced with heavy fire in the basement that extended up the plumbing wall into the upper floors. Three lines were led out, and TL39 made numerous holes in the roof. These shots were about 15 minutes into the fire.; #ChicagoFD; #Chi-TownFirePhotos;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #chi-townfirephotos; #FireTruck; #ChicagoFD; #EONE;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #chi-townfirephotos; #FireTruck; #ChicagoFD; #EONE;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #chi-townfirephotos; #FireTruck; #ChicagoFD; #Spartan;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #ChicagoFD; #Chi-TownFirePhotos;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #ChicagoFD; #Chi-TownFirePhotos;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #ChicagoFD; #Chi-TownFirePhotos;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #ChicagoFD; #Chi-TownFirePhotos;

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Working fire in Chicago 12-24-19

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

I took in a fire at 6454 S. Wolcott this morning. Engine 101 arrived with a 2.5 sty frame with fire in the attic. Companies had forcible entry problems because it was all boarded up. Companies knocked down the bulk of the fire from the outside and then went it to mop up. Both 101 and 116 were lead out and Truck 41 had their main to the roof.

Firefighters overhaul after house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters overhaul after house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters overhaul after house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Pierce fire truck at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Christmas wreath on fire engine

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Pierce fire truck at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

E-ONE fire engine in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire Photos

E-ONE fire engine in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Working fire in Chicago, 1-13-19

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

Here are some shots from a fire @ 6229 s Aberdeen on 1/13/19. E116 deck gunned it on arrival, knocking down the bulk of the fire. Two lines were dropped and T20 worked the roof. 

smoke and flames from house on fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

smoke and flames from house on fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

smoke and flames from house on fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighter pulls hose in the snow

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters vent house roof with axes

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Engine 116

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Truck 20

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Still & Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-22-18 (more)

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

Here are a couple shots from the fire yesterday in Englewood. I arrived after most of the fire was knocked down. 84, 54, 116, and 50 were all pumping with 116 and 50 in their new rigs.
fire truck at house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Engine 84

Chi-Town Fire Photos

fire hydrant with hose attached

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 37

Chi-Town Fire Photos

fire engine under a viaduct

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Engine 116

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Squad 5A

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters vent roof with an axe

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Still & Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-22-18 (more)

More on the  Still & Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-22-18

Chicago FD Squad 5A

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 37

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 116

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 50

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 84

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 50

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 84

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 37

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 37

Steve Redick photo

More photos HERE

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As seen around … the Quinn Fire Academy

This from Mike Lopina:

While on a mission to introduce my youngest son to the tastes of Manny’s Deli, we took a ride past the academy to see what was there. Not sure what’s going on with E116 having their front suction line off. Are they getting a new rig? E104 and E126 new rigs are in! 

Mike Lopina 

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2-11 Alarm fire with a Mayday alert in Chicago, 1-4-18

Chicago FD Engine 54

Chi-Town Fire photos

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 39

ni Chi-Town Fire photos

firefighters battle a fire at night

Chi-Town Fire photos

smoke from building fire in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire photos

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 39

Chi-Town Fire photos

flames from building fire in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire photos

Chicago FD Engine 116

Chi-Town Fire photos

two-flat fire in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire photos

flames from building fire in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire photos

Excerpts from the

Chicago firefighters responded to a fire in a two-story apartment building near 68th and Aberdeen in the Englewood neighborhood around 11:20 p.m. Thursday. Five people who live in the building got out unharmed before firefighters arrived.

About 20 minutes later, a mayday call went out when a firefighter fell through the floor. A short time later, he walked out of the building on his own. He not suffer any serious injuries.

“He was not transported. He was not injured. He was removed quickly by his company, and he continued to work, and he’s doing well,” Chicago Fire Deputy District Chief Rosalind Jones said.

Crews attacked the flames from the roof and the ground and the fire communicated to the building directly to the south.

Firefighters had the fire contained by about 1:45 a.m., but it rekindled around 6:15 a.m. while they were still on the scene to monitor hot spots.

thanks Dan

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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 12-26-17 (more)

Here are some pictures from the 2-11 @ 6151 s Wolcott

Chicago fire trucks at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago firefighters battle winter house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 39

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago firefighters battle winter house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Engine 116

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Squad 5A

Chi-Town Fire Photos

heavy smoke from winter house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 39

Chi-Town Fire Photos

firefighters battle winter house fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

female firefighter covered with ice

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 39

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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