This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-Here are a few pictures from a Pierce brochure from the late 70’s early 80’s. How many do you remember? Enjoy.
This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-Here are a few pictures from a Pierce brochure from the late 70’s early 80’s. How many do you remember? Enjoy.
Tags: #TBT,, Mike Summa, Pierce Manufacturing history, Pierce Suburban 1000 brochure, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday, vintage Pierce Arrow pumper brochure, vintage Pierce fire truck brochures
This entry was posted on January 16, 2025, 7:00 AM and is filed under Historic fire apparatus, throwbackthursday. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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#1 by Tim on January 16, 2025 - 6:09 PM
Back when Pierce built a quality product.
#2 by CrabbyMilton on January 16, 2025 - 12:51 PM
Yes, it was always a thrill to go to the mailbox and find the items you requested. Kind of the thrill of the hunt. It’s great that the brochures are at your finger tips now but there was just something about anticipation. I remember going to car and truck dealers to pick up select brochures and hope that the salesmen wouldn’t come over and bother me. Some of them had the brochures on racks and didn’t care if you were there while others would interrogate you if you had the nerve to come into the showroom and then dare to ask for a brochure even asking for your name, address, and phone number. I would give them a bogus address and number just to get what I wanted then go back to my car smug knowing that I scored a victory regardless of the dealership.
#3 by Mike hellmuth on January 16, 2025 - 12:34 PM
That brings back memories back in the day apparatus manufacturers were generous with sending you brochures all you needed was to write them a letter and it worked. I had brochures from everyone….
#4 by CrabbyMilton on January 16, 2025 - 9:40 AM
That’s great history there. I know for a fact that I have that brochure buried deep in a box in the basement.